BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna. The Late Mrs. Anna Kingsford, M.D. In H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, Vol. IX, pp. 89-91. TPH, Madras, 1962, 487 pp. First published in Lucifer, Vol. II, nº 7, March, 1888, pp. 78-79. Important obtuaty by Madame Blavatsky, stating: “The first and most important was The Perfect Way, or the Finding of Christ, which gives the esoteric meaning of Christianity.” More information and complete Html text in this site.
COLVILLE, W. J. Spiritual Therapeutics; or, Divine Science. Educator Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888. 332 pp. More information and complete Html text in this site, including the complete Html text of the article by Anna Kingsford: Unscientific Science: Moral Aspects of Vivisection, which is part of this book. Observation: The revision of the digitization errors is not yet complete.
FERRIER, John Todd. The Logia or Sayings of the Master, as Spoken by Him; Recovered in these Days, as Was Foretold by Him. John Todd Ferrier. London, The Order of the Cross, 1991. 412 pp. This important work by Rev. Todd Ferrier has a very special Dedication to Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. More information and Html text only of the initial chapter (for it is a copyright protected work) in this site.
FERRIER, John Todd. The Perfect Way. Published by The Order of the Cross, in the magazine The Herald of the Cross, Vol. 5, 1909. Reproduced by permission of the copyright owners, the Trustees of The Order of the Cross. Complete Html text in this site.
GODWIN, Joscelyn. The Theosophical Enlightenment. State University of New York Press, Albany, 1994. 448 pp. More information in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Anna Kingsford and Vegetarianism. This article was published in The Vegetarian Messenger & Health Review, April 1931, p. 106. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Anna Kingsford: Her Life and Work. Pamphlet. Part of the content of this pamphlet was originally contained in articles in Light, September 1930, pp. 472, 486 and 508. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Edward Maitland and Vegetarianism. This article was published in The Vegetarian Messenger, January 1932. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Edward Maitland: His Life and Work. Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science Ltd., Vol. X. No. 4. January 1932. (pp. 274-283). More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Food and Character, abridged version. This version was published as a pamphet by the London Vegetarian Society, and also in The Vegetarian News, December 1928. Complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Food and Character, complete version. Booklet containing the complete text of a lecture to the Croydon Vegetarian Society, November 1928. Complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Food and Illumination. This article was published in The Vegetarian Messenger, September 1920, pp. 39-42. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. In Memoriam Anna Kingsford. The Leeds Vegetarian Society, Leeds, 1947. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. In Memoriam to the Rev. G. J. R. Ouseley Text written in Ilfracombe (Devon, England), 1952. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Preface to the Third Edition (Dreams and Dream-Stories). John M. Watkins, London, 1908, pp. 07-15. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. The Ancients and Vegetarianism. Article published in The Vegetarian News, December 1921. Complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. The Crucifixion of “The Woman”. This letter was published in The Vegetarian of 15th February 1896. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. The Food of Man. Text of a lecture to the Croydon Vegeterian Society, November 1933. Complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. The Food of Perfection. This article was published in The Comet, 17th April 1937 (The Comet is a Nigerian publication). More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. The Late Mr. Edward Maitland. This article was published in Light, 16th October 1897. More information and complete Html text in this site.
HART, Samuel Hopgood. Why Be a Vegetarian? The first part of this lecture was published in The Vegetarian News, November 1925. Complete Html text in this site.
JAFFÉ, Aniela. [German] Religiöser Wahn und Schwarze Magie: Das Tragische Leben der Anna Kingsford (Religious Illusion and Black Magic: The Tragic Life of Anna Kingsford). Daimon Verlag, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 1986. Apparently it is a biographical work, with emphasis on a psychological interpretation based on the school of Carl Gustav Jung. More information out of the site:
http://www.daimon.ch/Jaffe1.htm#bio -
MATHERS, Samuel L. MacGregor, translator. Kabbala Denudata: the Kabbalah Unveiled. Work in the Internet. Classical work about the Kabbalah, dedicated to Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. More information in this site, and complete text out of the site: http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/tku/index.htm
McALLISTER, Brian G. The Contribution of Samuel Hopgood Hart to the Cause of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Article kindly sent to us by Mr. Brian McAllister. It is given to the Internet public for the first time in this site. Complete Html text of the article in this site.
McCRIE, Bertram. [inglês] The Bible and Flesh-Eating. Herald of the Golden Age – October 1905. 05 pp.
McCRIE, Bertram. The Living Truth in Christianity. John M. Watkins, London: 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, 1915. 43 pp. More information in this site, and complete Html text in this site:
OUSELEY, Gideon Jasper Richard. The Gospel of the Holy Twelve; Known Also as the Gospel of the Perfect Life. Edition called the Fifth Edition, based on the last living edition of the Rev. Ouseley (March 1904), with an appendix by Samuel H. Hart, “In Memory of the Rev. G.J.R. Ouseley”, written in 1952. This Fifth Edition dates from 1954. More information and full text in this site.
PHILLIMORE, Mercy. Emilie Augusta Louise Lind-af-Hageby – Obituary. Published in Light, Vol. LXXXIV, nº. 3456, 1964. Complete Html text in this site.
SALT, H. S. Humanitarianism: Its General Principles and Progress. William Reeves, 185 Fleet Street, London, 1891. 30 pp. Complete Html text in this site.
SCHLICKEYSEN, Gustav. Fruit and Bread: A Scientific Diet. Dansville, N.Y. USA, Austin, Jackson & Co., 1877. 227 pp. This book was influential in the life of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. More information and complete Pdf text in this site.
SHIRLEY, Ralph. Anna Kingsford & Edward Maitland. Mandrake Press Booklets nº 13. Mandrake Press, Thame (England), 1993. 24 pp. More information and complete Html text in this site.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo; with PEREIRA, Viviane. [Portuguese] A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity). Roda e Cruz, Brasília, 2010. 368 pp.The book is based on interviews given by Arnaldo Sisson Filho to Viviane Pereira. It is the main book on the subject of the unity and necessary complementation of the traditions known as Buddhism and Christianity.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. [Portuguese] Anna Kingsford, Cristianismo Budista e Vegetarianismo (Anna Kingsford, Buddhist Christianity and Vegetarianism). An abridged version of the text was published in the magazine Revista dos Vegetarianos (June 2009), 3rd. Year, Number 32, pp. 18-20.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. The Democracy of the Future and the Dream-Vision of Dom Bosco. Article originally published on the website Democracy of the Future. Complete text out of the site.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. [Portuguese] O Resgate do Cristianismo Budista: A Relevância da Mensagem da Dra. Anna Kingsford (The Redemption of Buddhist Christianity: The Relevance of Dr. Anna Kingsford’s Message). Roda e Cruz, Brasília, 2010. 164 pp. The first book by the author on the subject of the unity and necessary complementation of the traditions known as Buddhism and Christianity.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. [Portuguese] Vegetarianismo e Cristianismo (Vegetarianism and Christianity). Text published in the magazine Revista dos Vegetarianos, (July 2007), I, Number 10, pp. 23-25.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. [Portuguese] Vislumbres de uma Religião Realmente Católica: O Cristianismo Budista (Glimpses on a Truly Catholic Religion: The Buddhist Christianity). Roda e Cruz, Brasília, 2010. 55 pp. This is the second of the series of boolets published by Roda e Cruz. It is extracted from the main book A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity), which was written based on interviews given by Arnaldo Sisson Filho to Viviane Pereira. It is, therefore, a brief introduction to the subject of the unity and necessary complementation of the traditions known as Buddhism and Christianity.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. Why the “Anna Kingsford Site” Was Created? (Abridged Version). As the title indicates, this is an article which explains why and how the “Anna Kingsford Site” was created. 2018.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. Why the “Anna Kingsford Site” Was Created? (Longer Version). As the title indicates, this is an article which explains why and how the “Anna Kingsford Site” was created. 2018.
SISSON, Marina Villares Lenz Cesar. [Portuguese] A Esfinge Helena Blavatsky. (The Sphinx Helena Blavatsky) Edited by the author, Brasília (Brazil), 2003. 307 pp. More information and complete Portuguese text in this site.
[Spanish] The complete Spanish translation of this book in the site Dropbox – La Esfinge Helena Blavatsky (PDF) -
SISSON, Marina Villares Lenz Cesar. Anna Kingsford and Helena Blavatsky. Revised and enlarged text, based in the numbers 7, 8 & 9 of the bulletin Informativo HPB. Complete Html text presented to the public for the first time in this site.
SUBBA ROW, T. The Virgin of the World [review by T. Subba Row]. Review by T. Subba Row, with answers by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, and the answer to them by T. Subba Row. More information and complete Html texts in this site.