Sections: General Index   Present Section: Index   Work Index   Previous: 13 - Love, the Redeemer   Next: 15 - Evolution the Individuation of God



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            Ques. Is it true that Faith, even blind faith, can produce physical, mental and moral results in Nature and in Man? And if so, what law underlies this truth?

            Ans. The faith which proceeds from God, which aspires to God or Good, is the assurance within man that God has not forsaken him, that God or good is present and is possible of manifestation within his life. Now, this assurance is based on everlasting Fact, and cannot be gainsayed by a myriad tongues, nor by the false action of a myriad lives which are out of tune with Fact. Blind faith is the instinct of this intuition, and produces the same results in a lesser degree as true intuition or true faith. Both are recognition of fact; only, in the case of blind faith the recognition is partial, being based not on the understanding of the laws regulating the outbreathing and inbreathing of spiritual force, but only on the recognition that God is Good, and that man his creature shall be provided for in all his needs. We have not conveyed our full meaning to you; but we will strive to do so later on, when your mind is more receptive and more attuned to the harmonies of the spiritual spheres, and when we can command through you a fuller flow of expression and language. Write on,

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have no fears that we are going to injure your mind, or to supplant the Divine truth which is latent in you as in all men. There are forces here which you men dream not of, which shall direct a continuous flow of good or God to your Earth, and which seek but the awakening of man’s understanding and the opening of his intuition to cleanse his Earth from sin, from sorrow, and from all which makes possible the bitter cry we hear. No, man, you are born to Divinity, and no power, celestial or human, can mar the end you must express, or make God’s manifestation of himself in you a failure.

            Ques. Whence, then, these heavy clouds of pessimism we feel?

            Ans. That which you call pessimism is the expression of your own ignorance, the embodiment of your long cherished deification of evil, which proceeds from ignorance.

            We deplore this blindness, because seeing we perceive, and hearing we understand. We deplore, too, your sufferings. Like the good physician we would lend aid to the throes which give birth to your higher selves; we would sooth the struggles which shall bring forth to you new sight, which shall complete your long travail, enduring through the ages.

            Evolution is good, and therefore suffering is humanity’s means to Divine ends. Should we then deplore it, should we alleviate it? Yes, truly, because we too are good; we too are means to Divine ends; we too are instruments to promote this “evolution.” We seek entrance into your lives because we must do so, by sheer force of evolution; or as we prefer to express it, we are an element in the manifestation through Nature of God’s Infinite Love. Are we not as necessary an element in that manifestation as the blindness and suffering we would heal, and a farther and fuller element in it than these? If ye would understand, ye must behold all things and

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adjust your lives to the utmost limits of your vision. Those limits are ever extending, and they open to your vision now the bright light of Earth’s consolation in us.

            Do you not behold the signs of the times, the recognition by man of his own darkness, of his own sickness, which must inevitably precede the earnest call for relief? What means your “modern skepticism” unless the expression of your profound dissatisfaction with the present manifestation of God in your lives; the considering of the “beam” in your own eyes, which shall precede its casting out to the purification and enlargement of your vision of Heaven and of Earth?



Sections: General Index   Present Section: Index   Work Index   Previous: 13 - Love, the Redeemer   Next: 15 - Evolution the Individuation of God