Índice Geral das Seções   Índice da Seção Atual   Índice da Obra   Anterior: Apêndices




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            The Roman numerals refer to the number of the Lecture, or of the Appendix; the Arabic numerals to the paragraph quoted, or to the page of the Appendix; App. is for Appendix; Pref. for Preface to Present Edition; Pref. F.E. for Preface to First Edition; Pref. R.E. for Preface to Revised Edition; Pt. for Part; and n for footnote.



Abraham, Brahma, vi. 2; viii. 51-53; ix. 20, n.

          Children of, i. 33; vi.1, 2.

Above and below, see Correspondence.

Abstinence, viii. 20. See Food.

Acts of Soul, see Soul.

Adam, Pref. Iv; iv. 31; v. 10; vi. 1, 2, 15-17, 19-22, 25-27, 31, 32, 35; vii. 14, 20-26, 32,

            39; viii. 27, 41; ix. 9, 20, 21.

          Kadmon, ix. 5, 18.

          Old, iv. 24; viii. 7.

          Primary, v. 10.

          the Second, vii. 26.

Adept, iv. 30; v. 39; viii. 12.

Admetus, his oxen, ix. 16.

Adonai, vi. 4, 5, 36; viii. 14, 17, 45; ix. 5, 7, 8, 41-47, 50-53. See Vision.

Adultery, viii. 32.

Advent, vi., 39.

          Second, viii. 54.

Aeon, App. i, 314.

Aethopis, Pref. F.E., lxxxi, Ixxxiii; vi. 6.

Affection, vi. 38.

Affinity, Celestial, iii. 40.

Agnostic, ii. 39; v. 27; vi. 29.

Agnosticism, Pref. xiii, Iviii, n.; Pref. F.E. Ixxxv; vi. 29.

Air, ii. 20; iii. 6.

          Spirits, iii. 17.

Alchemic Science, vi. 20; ix. 12.

Alchemists, viii. 43.

Allah, viii. 53.

Alpha and Omega, Pref. R.E. Ixxv; v. 18; ix. 5.

Ambrose, vi. 8.

Amoeba, v. 2.

Amun-Ra, vi. 15.

Anael, ix. 27, n.

Ananda, viii. 12.

Ancient of Days, ix. 5.

Andromeda, Pref. F.E. Ixiii-lxv.

Angel of Understanding, vi. 19.

Angels, v. 21; viii. 5; ix. 49.

          Counterpartal, iii. 29, 30.


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Angels, Covering, iii. 36.

          Fallen, v. 8; viii. 5.

          Guardian, iii. 29, 37, 46-58; viii. 5. See Genii.

          Anima Bruta, ii. 21, 24; iii. 3, 19, 20, 29; v. 25, 26, 35; vii. 14; App. i. 319; App.

            iii. 342, 345. See Ruach.

          Divina ii. 24; iii. 8, 19, 20; vii. 14; viii. 42. App. iii. 341, 343, 345.

          Mundi, v. 39.

Animals, ii. 18; iii. 21; vii. 53; App. i. 314.

          Evil, ii. 18; iii. 21.

          Individual, ii. 18; iii. 55. See Individual.

          Killing, viii. 18.

          Man rudimentary, i. 40; ii. 23; iii. 21; vii. 10. See Man.

          Souls of, i. 40; iii. 55. See Soul.

Anna, v. 43.

Annihilation, ii. 17; vii. 17; App. i. 323.

Antichrist, iv. 28; viii. 53; ix. 23.

Anubis, ix. 15.

Aphrodite, ii. 35; v. 41; viii. 28.

          Girdle of, ix. 16.

Apocalypse, vi. 3; vii. 19, 27; viii. 34, 36, 41, 43; ix. 2.

Apollo, Arrows of, ix. 16.

Apollonius, i. 38.

Apollos, iv. 9.

Aquinas, St Thos., Pref. lix, n.

Arche, ii. 34; v. 4,14; vi. 6, 31, 32, 34.

Archangels, iii. 60; v. 21. See Gods.

Ardha-Nari, ix. 5, 52.

Argus, ix. 13.

Aristotle, ix. 25.

Arjun, viii. 12; ix. 3, 52.

Ark, ii. 37; vi. 3; viii. 44.

Arnold, Edwin, iv. 15.

          Matthew, Pref. R.E. Ixxi.

Artemis, ii. 35. See Diana.

Arthur or Ar-thor, viii. 44.

Ascension, Pref. R.E. lxxvii; i. 48; iv. 28, 31; vii. 5, 6; viii. 8, 28, 31, 40; App. ii. 330, 333,

            334, 336, 340. See Heracles.

          and Decension, iii. 53; iv. 31; vi. 2.

Asceticism, viii. 14.

Assumption of Virgin, see Mary.

Assyria, vi. 6.

Astraea, vi. 36; vii. 55; App. i. 313.

Astral Body, ii. 13; iii. 2, 4; App. iii. 342. See Perisoul.

          created, iii. 2.

          Counterparts, iii. 7.

          Eidola, iv. 15, 17.

          Fluid, i. 26, 27; ii. 21, 34; iii. 2, 24, 27; v. 12. See Ether, Magnetic Body.

          Medium, iv. 16; vi. 22.

          Phantoms, iii. 28; iv. 12-14. See Phantoms.

          Plane, ii. 14; iii. 8, 25. See Purgatory.

          Soul, not the true, ii. 19; iii. 6, 8,19; v. 35, 39, 41.

          Sphere, iii. 1, 2, 5; v. 37. See Perisoul, Spheres.


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Astrals, iii. 5, 23-26, 28, 30. See Controls.

          and Bloodshed, iv. 12-14; ix. 24.

          Character of, iii. 28, 29, 31-33, 57; ix. 24; App. i. 320, 321.

          Powers of the Air, iii. 28, 32.

          and Sensitives, iii. 23. See Sensitive.

Astrology, ii. 25. See Zodiac.

Athanasius, Pref. ii.

Atheism, Pref. xiii, Iviii, n.; i. 55e; ii. 24; vi. 29.

Athena, Pref. F.E. Ixiii.

Atman, i. 7.

Atonement, iii. 3; iv. 1, 16, 20, 24; vi. 39; viii. 4, 6, 7, 15, 43, 44, 47; ix. 22.

          Current Doctrine of, iv. 1, 3.

         Fourfold, iv. 2, 20.

          Vicarious, iii. 30; viii. 47. See Vicarious.

Augustine, i. 45; viii. 39.

Authority, Pref. xviii, xix, Iviii, n., Ixi; Pref. F.E. lxix, i. 23, 24; vi. 30. See Truth.

Avatar, ii. 24; v. 41.

Awfulness, Divine, Spirit of, ii. 32.

Azote, Heb. Azoth, ii. 20.


Baalzebub, ii. 18.

Babylon, Pref. F.E. Ixxxvi.

Bacchos, v. 16; viii. 52; App. iii. 350.

Baptism, iii, 53; vi. 2; viii. 19, 28.

          or Betrothal, viii. 28; App. ii. 333, 334, 339, 340.

          with Fire and Water, i. 7; iii. 16; viii. 19.

Baptist, viii. 38, 49.

Bath-Kol, i. 25.

Beatific Vision, iv. 19. See Adonai, Vision.

Beginning, ii. 37; vi. 2.

Being, Pref. i; i. 29, 32, 52; ii. 4, 7, 9, 29, 31; iii. 10; iv. 27, 28, 30; v. 9; vii. 37. See            Unity.

Belief, Pref. lxii; i. 19; viii. 5; ix. 18.

Bells of High Priest, iv. 13.

Besant, Annie, Pref. /x, n.

Bethel, vi. 1.

Betrothal, see Baptism.

Beyond, The, iii. 3.

Bhagavad Gita, i. 47; ix. 3, 11.

Bible, i. 47; ii. 46; vi. 9-12; vii. 18, 33; viii. 24, 53. See Gospels, Scripture.

          Earliest, vi. 40.

Biblical Interpretation, Pref. xxii-xxiii; iv. 4; vii. 3, 33; ix. 7, n.

          Interpretation, Requisites for, i. 47. See Interpretation.

Biologist, v. 33.

Biology, ix. 17.

Birth, Second or New, v. 45.

Bitterness, Sea of, see Sea.

Blavatsky, Pref. xxiii, xlii, xliii.

          Isis Unveiled, iv. 12, n.


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Blood, iv. 12; vi. 32, 42; vii. 29, 52; viii. 16.

          and Astral Phantoms, iv. 12, 13.

          of Christ, mystical, iv. 19, 23, 25, 30, 31, 37; vii. 5, 6; viii. 16.

          Love of God as, iv. 37. See God, Lamb.

          Partakers of, iv. 6, 8, 19; vi. 24. See Food (Flesh).

Bloodshed, Pref. iv, xxxiv; vii. 51-53. See Prophet.

Bloody Sacrifice, iii. 30, 33; iv. 6, 11-15, 17, 19. See Jesus, Sacrifice.

Body, vi. 20; viii. 1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 14.

          Astral, Fluidic, see Astral, Perisoul, Sideral Body.

          Fourfold, iii. 4. See Fourfold.

          of God, iv. 37. See Substance.

          as “House of Bondage,” iii. 8.

          Material, Fixed, ii. 13, 21-23; iii. 2; App. i. 313; App. iii. 342.

          of Planet, ii. 18, 22.

          Redemption of, iv. 35; viii. 6, 9, 10; ix. 54.

          and Sensation, see Sensation.

Boehme, iii. 33.

Bondage, House of, see Body.

Book Worship, i. 24.

          of Revelation, see Apocalypse.

Borrowing of Egyptians, vi. 12. See Egypt.

Bow, Heavenly, vi. 5, 36.

Brahma, Pref. vi; vi. 2; viii. 51, 52; ix. 5, 52.

          Bosom of, iii. 16.

Bread, of Sacrament, Pref. ii, iii, n., xiii; iv. 36, 37; vi. 34; viii. 41; ix. 10. See Sacrament.

Bride, Soul as, see Soul.

Brook, ix. 14. See Water.

Buddha, Pref. xliv, Ixvii; i. 38, 44, 56; ii. 46; iv. 15, 42; vi. 42; viii. 12, 25, 48-51; App. i.

            326; App. iii. 344, 350.

Buddhism. Pref. vi, xii, xxiv, n.; v. 43, n.; viii. 49, 51; App. i. 322; App. iii. 346, 347.

Burial, vi. 2; viii. 8, 19, 28; App. ii. 334, 340.

Butler, S., v. 2, n.


Caesar, viii. 36.

Caiaphas, iv. 9.

Cain, iii. 21; vii. 52.

Caithness, Lady, Pref. xl, xlii, xlvii.

Caleb, ix. 15.

Calvinists, vi. 21; ix. 27.

Cana, iii. 50; iv. 25; App. ii. 337, 339.

Cap, ix. 16.

Carpocrates, i. 39.

Catholic Doctrine, i. 42; v. 43; App. iii. 346, 347. See Church.

Causes and Effects, World of, v. 8, 19.

Cave, viii. 37.

Celestial Affinity, see Genius.

          Nirvana, see Nirvâna.


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Cell, Physiologic, i. 10, 26-28, 31; v. 15, 34; viii. 44, 48; App. i. 305-312.

          Fixed and Wandering, App. i. 305, 306, 315-321.

Centripetal and Centrifugal, see Force.

Centurion, iii. 35.

Cerberus, viii. 22.

Cerebration, Unconscious, v. 33.

Ceremonial Rites, iv. 7.

Ceres, vi. 36.

Ceylon, viii. 50, n. 1.

Chaldaea, viii. 52.

Chalice, see Cup.

          Golden, vi. 42; vii. 3.

Chaos, vii. 13.

Character as Destiny, ii. 25; App. iii. 344. See Destiny.

          and Form, see Form.

Chastity, viii. 20. See Purity.

Chaucer, v. 35, n.

Chavah, vi. 15, 23, 31.

Cherubic, iii. 4.

Cherubim, iii. 36; vi. 2, 4, 6,13; ix. 49.

Christ, Pref. i-iv; Pref. R.E. lx, Ixxvii; i. 42, 50; iii. 14, 37, 53, 55; iv. 8, 21, 26, 27, 29, 32;

            vi. 15, 39; vii. 5, 18, 26, 30; viii. 4, 12, 13, 27, 41, 51; ix. 11, 12, 53; App. iii. 347,

            348, 349, 351. See Jesus.

          and Adepts, iv. 30; viii. 12. See Adept.

          Advent Millennial Reign of, viii. 54. See Advent.

          as Ammun-Ra, vi. 15.

Christ, Ascension of, see Ascension.

          Birthplace of, viii. 37.

          Blood of, see Blood.

          Church of, see Church.

          Conception of, iii. 30; v. 12, 43; viii. 19, 39, 40.

          Death of, vii. 5, 6; App. ii. 336. See Death.

          Descent of, see Hades.

          Finding of, i. 11; ii. 47; vi. 19, 24. See Finding.

          the Ideal, Pref. xliv; i. 55d; viii. 4, 45, 51.

          Incarnation of, see Incarnation.

          Oblation of, see Oblation.

          Our Lord, ix. 7. See Lord.

          as Phoibos, iv. 20.

          Putting on, iv. 29.

          Sacrifice of, vii. 5, 6; viii. 18. See Sacrifice.

          Wounds of, iv. 24, 34; viii. 19; App. ii. 337-338.

Christs, The, i. 56; iv. 30; vii. 49; viii. 12, 15-18, 26, 27, 45, 46; ix. 11, 29. See       Redeemers.

Christhood, vii. 43-45; viii. 18; ix. 22, 53.

Christian Belief, i. 44. See Religion.

Christianity, Pref. iii, vi, xii; Pref. R.E. Ixix, Ixxi; vii. 19; viii. 49; App. iii. 346.

          Degradation of, Pref. vi, xvi; iii. 30; iv. 5.


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Christianity, Dogmas and Symbols of, Pref. xii, Iviii, n.; lix, n.; Pref. R.E. Ixxii; iv. 20, 31;

            App. iii. 346.

          Ecclesiastical, Pref. iii, vi, vii, Iviii, n., lix, n., lx, n.; Pref. R.E. liv; i. 42, 50, 55b; iv.

            31; viii. 26; App. iii. 347, 351.

          Failure of, Pref. Ixvi; i. 55c; iii. 30; viii. 26.

          Historic, i. 50; 55c.

          Identical with other Systems, Pref. viii, xii, xxiv, n., Iviii, n., lix, n., Ixv; Pref. R.E.

            Ixxii; i. 44, 45; viii. 48-51; App. i. 322.

Church, Pref. xi; Pref. R.E. Iviii; Pref. F.E. Ixiv; vi. 2, 27-30; vii. 34-39, 50; ix. 10; App. iii.

            346, 351.

          Catholic, Pref. ii, vi, xiii, Iviii, n., lix, n., Ixvi, Ixvii; i. 42.

          of Christ, v. 47; vii. 41, 43-46. App. iii. 346.

          Doctrines of, Pref. F.E. Iviii. See Catholic Doctrine.

          Fall of, Pref. F.E. Ixiv, Ixv; i. 22; vi. 2, 19, 23, 25, 27-30; vii. 34-36, 39, 50; ix. 10.

Church, Fathers of, i. 27; ix. 26.

          First, of the Elect, vi. 2, 14; vii. 39.

          Invisible, Pref. xxii. See The Gods.

          Lodge, or Mystic Community, vi. 14; vii. 43, 44. See Colleges.

          Rests on Custom, i. 50.

          Rise of, vii. 37, 38, 50.

          Rock of, Pref. xviii, Iviii, n.; i. 19-21. See Rock.

          and Science, Pref. x,  xiii; Pref. R.E. liv; App. iii. 347.

          Soul as, Pref. F.E. Ixxxii.

          Unfallen, vi. 28.

Churches, Eastern and Western, ix. 43.

          all akin, Pref. xi, xii. See Religions.

City, Holy, vi. 24; viii. 19.

Civilisation, Present, vii. 55.

Clemens, Alex., vi. 8; ix. 22.

Clifford, Professor, i. 35, n.

Cloud, ix. 16.

Colleges of Mysteries, i. 44; vii. 41, 44-49. See Church, Mysteries.

Colour, iii. 56.

Common Sense, i. 23; vii. 44.

Communion, Holy, iv. 36, 37.

Community, Mystic, see Church, Colonies.

Concentration, v. 25.

Conception, Immaculate, see Christ, Mary.


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Conception, of Divinity, v. 12, 43.

Conjunctions, Planetary, ii. 25.

Conscience, i. 52; vi. 27; vii. 1, 23.

Consciousness, Pref. i, ii; i. 32, 33; v. 1-3, 7, 11, 12, 21, 23, 25, 31, 33, 35; vi. 17, 19,

            20; vii. 10, 14, 37; viii. 5; ix. 34. See God, Planet, Universe, Substance.

          Differentiation of, App. iii. 354. See Principle.

          Point of, v. 23-26, 30.

Constantine, i. 55b.

Consummation, v. 34; viii. 41.

Controls, iii. 20, 23, 48, 59; App. iii. 349. See Astrals.

Copper, ii. 35.

Correspondence, Doctrine of, i. 10, 14; v. 15; vii. 2; ix. 7, n.; App. i. 305, 307, 321.

Correspondences, i. 10, 14; vii. 2, 7; ix. 19.

Counsel; Spirit of, ii. 32, 35.

Counterpartal Angels, see Angels.

Counterparts, Astral, see Astral.

Covering Angels, see Angels.

Creation, i. 29, 32, 48; ii. 7, 9, 10; iii. 3, 37; v. 20, 41, 44; vi. 2, 8, 31; vii. 4, 8, 44; viii. 5,

            41; ix. 44, 45, 50. See God, Motion.

Creation, Days of, iv. 35; vi. 2, 35; App. i. 321. See Passion Week.

          by Evolution, see Evolution.

          or Manifestation, iii. 2; v. 9.

          Object of, v. 46.

          and Redemption, ii. 10, 42; iv. 35; vii. 40; App. i. 323, 324; App. ii. 334.

Creative Week, i. 29; vii. 50; viii. 28.

Credo of Christendom, Pref. xxiv, n.

Credo of the Elect, ix..54.

Creed, Transition of, Pref. R.E. Ixxv.

Cremation, viii. 9.

Cross, i. 56; iv. 9, 20; vi. 15; viii. 53; App. ii. 367. See Death.

          Prehistoric, on Monuments, iv. 20; App. ii. 337.

          of Renunciation, iv. 30; App. ii. 337.

          Sign of, in Heaven, iv. 30.

          Sun's Equinoctial Passage of Ecliptic, iv. 20.

          Tree of Life, see Tree.

          Fourfold Signification, iv. 21, 22, 35.

Crucifixion, i. 49; iv. 20, 29, 31; vii. 43, 56; viii. 7, 8, 19, 28, 37, 42; App. ii. 330, 336,


          Mystery of, iv. 22-26, 29.


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Crucifixion, of God, iv. 35.

Cruelty, iii. 21.

Crustacea, iii. 21.

Cup, iv. 25; vi. 5, 36; App. ii. 336, 337; App. iii. 360. See Bow, Chalice.

Curse of Adam, vii. 32. See Adam.

          of Eve, vi. 16, 39, 42; vii. 32, 55.

Cyrus, Pref. F.E. Ixxxvi.


Daemon, see Genii, Socrates.

Daniel, i. 39; viii. 52; ix. 2.

Daughter of God, ii. 34; v. 44.

          King's, viii. 19; ix. 14.

          of Saul, ix. 14.

David, Pref. xv; viii. 27, 45, 52; ix. 12, 14.

          Son of, ix. 11, 12.

Days of Creation, see Creation, Microcosm.

          Forty, App. ii. 334.

Death, v. 21, 26; App. i. 326, 327. See Dissolution.

          of the Cross, i. 56; viii. 8, 28. See Christ.

          Eternal, see Soul (loss of).

          and Life, choice of, Pref. Ixiii.

          and Love, App. i. 323.

          to Lower Elements, v. 34.

          Power over, viii. 21.

          Sting of, v. 34; App. i. 327.

Decan, vi. 37.

Deep, see Great Deep.

Deity, Two Modes of, i. 28, 29; v. 18; ix. 1, 9. See Duality.

Delphi, ii. 3.

Dematerialisation, i. 14. See Transmutation.

Demeter, vi. 4; viii. 29, 37.

Demiurgos, ix. 5.

Depolarisation, vi. 20.

Descent into Hades, iv. 20.

Desire, viii. 20.

Destiny, i. 40; ii. 25; vii. 27. See Fate, Character.

          Moral, of Planets, v. 41.

Deucalion and Pyrrha, i. 33.

Deus, ii. 42.

Development, i. 32; ii. 32; viii. 35. See Evolution.

Devil, i. 46; ii. 6, 11; iii. 9-15, 21; iv. 31; vii. 29; viii. 3, 13. See Negation.

          no Personal, iii. 9, 15.

          not Satan, see Satan.

Devils, iii. 9, 15, 21.

Devolution, see Transmigration (downwards).

Dharmasãstra Sutras, v. 41, n.

Diana, iv. 14. See Artemis.

Dimension, Fourth, ii. 34.

Dionysius, Pref. lix, n.

Dionysos, i. 56; v. 16.

Disease, App. i. 326, 336.

Dissolution, v. 35. See Death.

Dissolvent, viii. 12. See Transmutation.

Divine, Pref. xi.

          Awfulness, Spirit of, ii. 32.

          Idea, see Soul.

          Impersonal, v. 23.

          Marriage, see Marriage.

Divine Pymander, The, i. 36; ix. 53.


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Dog, vi. 24; ix. 15. See Three-headed dog.

Dogmas, Christian, see Christianity.

          Sacerdotal, Pref. Iviii; Pref. R.E. Ixxii; App. iii. 346.

Dominions, v. 21.

Double Portion, see Aeon.

Doves, Pref. xliv; App. ii. 337.

Dragon, Pref.F.E. lxxxi, lxxxii; vi. 36; vii. 42.

          of Apocalypse, vi. 37.

Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, ix. 14.

Drink, see Food.

Dryads, iii. 34.

Dualism, i. 34; iii. 29; vii. 1, 2, 11, 12; viii. 3; ix. 18, 42, 45; App. iii. 363. See God, Man.

          Body and Soul, ix. 33, 34.

          Celestial, iii. 3. See Deity.

          Centrifugal and Centripetal, v. 5, 19.

          Male and Female, iv.20, 21; v. 5; vii. 1, 11; ix. 18, 41, 42, 50.

          Mother and Son, vi. 15.

          of Nature, ii. 42; vii. 1; ix. 24.

          Outer and Inner, iv. 21; v. 43, n.; vii. 13, 20; viii. 3.

         Terrestrial, iii. 3.

Duality of Living Substance, ii. 29, 41; ix. 18, 45, 50.

          in Unity, i. 30; ii. 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 41-43; iii. 57; iv. 37; ix. 8, 18, 45, 46, 50. See


Dust, vi. 22.

Dyaus, Deus, Theos, ii. 42.

Dynamite, i. 55e.


Eagle, vi. 2, 4; viii. 29; App. iii. 343.

Earth, ii. 20, 22; iii. 6; vi. 19; vii. 12, n.

          Body as, App. iii. 343.

          Kings of the, vii. 31.

          Life, Inequalities of, i. 41.

          Spirits of, iii. 17.

East, viii. 23, 36. See England, Star.

          Kings of, viii. 36, 53.

Easter, vi. 31.

Ecclesiasticism, Despair of, ix. 10.

Ecstasy, ix. 34.

Eden, vi. 6, 7, 13, 19, 38; vii. 5, 18, 23, 30, 36; ix. 25.

          Lower, iii. 8.

          Rivers of, i. 10; vi. 6, 7, 14. See Rivers.

Ego, The, Pref. R.E. Ixxi, Ixxiv, Ixxvi; v. 3, 12, 30, 31. See Soul.

          Noumenal, v. 28.

Egypt, viii. 30, 31, 52; ix. 12.

          Matter as, iv. 23; viii. 50, 52; ix. 16; App. ii. 328, 329, 339. See Borrowing.

Egyptian Evidences; Thebes, Elephantine, Edfou, Karnak, vi. 13, 18, 34. See Pyramid.

          Gospel, ix. 22.


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Egyptian Mysteries, Pref. liii; vi. 12, 13. See Mysteries.

Eidolon, i. 54; iv. 15; v. 35.

Eirenicon, Pref. xii, lx; Pref. R.E. Ixxviii; Pref. F.E. Ixxxviii.

Ejective, v. 31, 33.

Elect, Credo of the, ix. 54. See Heritage.

Electric Current, iii. 22.

Elementals, iii. 5, 15, 17, 20, 34, 35; vi. 4, 26; viii. 29.

Elements, ii. 20, 22; vi. 4.

          Souls under the, iii. 16; App. i. 318.

Elias, viii. 48.

Eliphas Levi, Pref. R.E. Ixxviii; iv. 12, n.; vi. 32.

Elixir of Life, viii. 11. See Life.

Elohim, ii. 21, 32; iii. 37; vi. 5; ix. 16, 44, 45. See Gods, Seven.

El-Shaddai, ii. 42; ix. 5, 42.

Elves, iii. 34.

Emanations, iii. 6; iv. 16, 17.

Embalming, viii. 9.

Embryonic Development, v. 18.

Emotion and Intellect, ix. 25.

Endurance, vii. 12.

Energy, v. 12. See Force.

England and the East, viii. 51, 53.

Enoch, viii. 53.

Enthusiasm, ix. 7, n., 29, 31, 33-39, 49.

Environment, v. 29.

Epicurus, ix. 39.

Epiphanius, iv. 13.

Epopt, i. 35.

Esau, ii. 39; viii. 53.

Esdras, vi. 10.

Esoteric Christian Union, The, Pref. xxiv, n.

Essence, iii. 4.

Essenism, App. iii. 359.

Est, vi. 31, 32.

Esther, vi. 31; vii. 55.

Eternal Death, see Soul (loss of).

          Life, iv. 31; vi. 21; vii. 17; viii. 11, 41; ix. 53. See God, Life, Soul (Eternal).

Ether, i. 26, 30. See Astral Fluid.

Ethiopia, see Aethopis.

Eucharistic Wafer, iv. 36; vi. 34; viii. 41.

Euphrates, vi. 6; viii. 36, 53; App. ii. 339.

Eve, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; v. 10; vi. 15-17, 19, 20, 22-27, 31, 37; vii. 20-24, 32, 39; viii. 32,

            35, 39, 41; ix. 20, 21.

          Curse of, see Curse.

          Soul as, Pref. R.E. lxxvii; v. 10. See Soul.

Everard, Dr., Pref. R.E. Ixxv.

Evil, ii. 9, 23; vii. 17; viii. 1. See Good.

          Animals, see Animals.

          Men, see Soul (loss of).

          Spirits, see Devils.

Evolution, i. 32-34, 40; v. 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 44, 45; vi. 14; vii. 37; viii. 27, 32, 37, 41; ix. 53.

            See Development, Memory.

          Cause of, v. 8; vii. 37. See Transmigration, Reincarnation.


(p. 375)


Evolution, Creation by, v. 44, 46; vii. 37.

          Occult Law of, v. 32.

          Post-mortem, iii. 19.

          Purpose of, i. 10.

          Spiritual, i. 8. See Soul.

Exile, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; iv. 31.

Existence, Pref. R.E. Ixxi; i. 29; ii. 29; iii. 2; vi. 31; vii. 7, 17, 37, 49; viii. 5, 43; ix. 9, 18.

            See Subsistence.

          Previous, and Ezra, vi. 10. See Reincarnation, Transmigration.

Exodus, ix. 2.

Experience, ii. 10; viii. 4, 33.

Ezekiel, Vision of, i. 10; iii. 5; vi. 2, 3, 4, 6, 34; viii. 36; ix. 2.

Ezra, vi. 10. See Memory.


Faculty, Anna Kingsford's, Pref. liii-lviii; Pref. R.E. Ixx.

          Intuitional and Psychic, Pref. R.E. Ixx, Ixxi; i. 4, 5. See Intuition, Memory.

Fairies, iii. 34.

Faith, i. 51; ii. 24; vi. 27; vii. 28; ix. 16; App. iii. 349.

          of Christendom, Pref. R.E. Ixxii; i. 55.

Fall, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; i. 48, 52; iv. 31; vi. 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 34; vii. 1, 50,

            51; viii. 1, 39.

          of Angels, see Angels.

          Cause of, vii. 36, 39, 50, 51.

          of Church, see Church.

          of Man, see Man.

          Mosaic Account of, Allegorical, vi. 8, 13. See Moses.

          Parable of, vii. 3, 7, 8, 34.

          of Soul, see Soul, Substance.

          of Spirit, see Spirit.

Family, Holy, viii. 52.

Fate, self-made, ii. 25. See Destiny.

Father, Divine Force or Spirit as, see Spirit.

          God as, see God, Spirit.

Fathers, see Church.

Fear, viii. 20.

Fiery or Astral, ii. 20; iii. 2, 16, vi. 23; App. i. 313; App. iii. 342. See Astral.

Finding Christ, Pref. xxvi; i. 11; ii. 47; vi. 19. See Christ.

Fire, iii. 6.

          Baptism of, see Baptism.

          of Heaven, vi. 19.

          and Motion, ii. 14, 19-22.

          Pillar of, ix. 16.

          Spirits, iii. 17, 34.

Fish, diet of, see Food.

          Occult significance of, viii. 28; ix. 10; App. ii. 339; App. iii. 355, 360-362.

Five Senses, see Senses.

          Wounds, see Wounds.


(p. 376)


Fixation of the Volatile, iv. 31; vi. 20; vii. 39; viii. 22.

Flesh, diet of, see Food.

Flight, Mystic, viii. 52. See Mystics.

Flood, ii. 37.

Food, vi. 24; viii. 14. See Abstinence, Fish.

          and drink, iii. 28; App. iii 351, 356, 357.

          Flesh, Pref. iv, xxv, xxxiv, xliii, xlvi, Ivi; iii. 28, 30, 60; iv. 15, 17-19; vi. 24; App. iii.

            355, 356. See Blood.

          Jesus and, App. ii. 339; App. iii. 355, 358-362.

          Non-flesh, Pref. iv; vi. 24; viii. 14.

Forbidden Fruit, see Fruit.

Force, i. 30; ii. 20; v. 4; vii. 12, 13, 40; ix. 44; App. i. 307, 308.

          Centripetal and Centrifugal, v. 5, 12; vii. 13; ix. 50.

          and Love, see Gospels.

          as Man, iii. 28. See Father.

Forgiveness, viii. 2.

Form and Character, i. 32; iii. 21; App. iii. 344. See Character.

Formulation, i. 30.

Forty days, App. ii. 334.

Four, i. 9, 10; vi. 6, 7. See Planet, Powers.

          Cherubim, vi. 2, 4., See Cherubim.

          Elemental Spirits, iii. 5. See Elementals.

Four Elements, viii. 19. See Elements.

          Gospels, viii. 29. See Gospels.

          Rivers, viii. 36. See Rivers.

Fourfold, Pref. ii, xl; ii. 18; iii. 3, 4, 29; iv. 2, 17, 20-22; v. 23; vi. 4, 6, 26; vii. 2, 3, 7; viii.

            18, 29, 43, 44; ix. 18, 48; App. i. 313; App. ii. 337; App. iii. 342, 343.

Fourth Generation, viii. 51.

Freedom, viii. 20, 22.

Freewill, ii. 7; vii. 17, 18. See Will.

Fruit, Forbidden, vi. 19; viii. 10.


Gadarene Demoniacs, iii. 15.

Gases, ii. 21; iii. 4.

Gates, see Twelve.

Gautama Buddha, see Buddha.

Gehena, vi. 6. See Hell.

Gehon, vi. 6.

Genealogy, ix. 11.

Genesareth, Lake of, Pref. lxiv.

Genesis, i. 40; vi. 6-8; vii. 3, 4, 32; ix. 44.

          by Ezra, not Moses, vi. 10. See Pentateuch.

Genius, iii., 29. See Moon.

Genii, iii. 37, 39-49, 51-56. See Moon.

          Loci, iii. 34.

Ghost, iii. 19; v. 35-38. See Holy Ghost.

          of Events, i. 16; iii. 7.

Gift of God, see God.

Globe, Igneous, v. 24, 26.

Glory, vi, 26.

Gnosis, Pref. v-viii, xii, n., xlvii, liv, lvi, lvii; Pref. R.E. lxix; i. 2; ii. 12; iv. 28; vi. 9, 25, 26;   vii. 48; viii. 53; ix. 7, n.


(p. 377)


Gnostics, i. 23.

God, ii. 16, 29, 32; v. 25, 31; ix. 1, 8, 40, 41. See Deity.

          Androgynous, ix. 8, 41.

          is Positive Being, see Being.

          Blood of, viii. 16. See Blood.

          Body of, see Body.

          Consciousness, Pref. i, ii; v. 16,17, 25, 28, 32. See Consciousness.

          Converse with, iii. 31.

          before Creation, ii. 30, 33. See Creation.

          Crucifixion of, see Crucifixion.

          Daughter of, see Daughter.

          Duality in Unity, see Deity, Duality.

          Eternal, ii. 29. See Eternal Life.

          as Father and Mother, ii. 41; v. 17,18; ix. 41-44, 46, n., 53. See Mother, Planet-

            God, Spirit.

          Gift of, ii. 47; iv. 25; vii. 17; viii. 11, 41; ix. 53.

          of Hosts, ii. 41; viii. 14.

          House of, vi. 5.

          as “I Am,” vii. 5, 13.

          Image of, see Image.

          Immolation of, viii. 41.

          Infinite, ii. 29; v. 9.

          is Justice, iii. 21.

          Kingdom of, Pref. R.E. lxxv; ii. 32; vi. 40; viii. 13. See Human Kingdom.

God, Knowledge of, see Knowledge.

          Lamb of, see Lamb.

          is Life, ii. 31; vii. 13. See Life.

          as Lord, ix. 2-9, 18, 20, 21, 23. See Lord.

          is Love, ii. 10, 43; iii. 12, 21; viii. 29.

          Love of, viii. 11. See Blood, Love.

          Macrocosmic and Microcosmic, ix. 79; App. i. 321. See Macrocosm.

          -Man, vii. 26; viii. 11, 46, 47. See Man (perfect).

          Man of, iv. 23.

          and Man, Pref, i-iii, v; ii. 47; v. 43, 44; vi. 2; vii. 38; viii. 29; ix. 36, 38. 53; App. ii.


          Manifest and Unmanifest, ii. 29; v. 17, 18, 20; ix. 7. See Creation.

          Manifestation of, ii. 32. See Universe.

          becomes Many, ii. 16; v. 11.

          is Mind Primordial, ii. 31; v. 20. See Mind.

          Mother of, see Mother.

          as Mother. (See “as Father and Mother,” above.)

          Names of, ii. 42.

          Oblation of, see Oblation.

          Personal and Impersonal, ii. 29; iv. 35; v. 9, 18, 32. See Personality.

          Plurality of, ix. 45.


(p. 378)


God, Power, see Potency.

          “Rested,” i. 29.

          Sacrifice of, perpetual, see Oblation.

          Self-subsistent, ii. 29, 30.

          as Son, see Son.

          Son of, see Son.

          is Spirit, ii. 31; iii. 11; v. 9, 21, 29; vii. 21. See Spirit.

          Spirits of, see Elohim, Seven.

          Spouse of, see Spouse.

          is Substance, Living, i. 30; ii. 2, 29, 34, 41, 46; v. 9; vi. 6. See Being, Substance.

          as Sun, see Sun.

          Thought of, see Thought.

          Trinity in Unity, i. 30. See Trinity.

          Unity of, v. 21. See Unity.

          Universal and Individual, ii. 47; v. 18; ix. 9.

          Vision of, see Sight, Vision.

          Voice of, Pref. xliv, Iv; iii. 58. See Voice.

          Will of, v. 12. See Will.

          Woman in, see Woman.

          Works of, ii. 32. See Works.

          Worship only, vi. 42.

          Wounds of, iv. 34. See Wounds.

Gods and Goddesses, Pref. xxiii, n., xxvii; i. 54; ii. 21, 32, 43; iii. 37, 60; v. 17; vi. 34; ix.

            3. See Elohim, Seven.

          not limited in number, v. 19; viii. 5. See Angels.

Gods, Personality Indefeasible, v. 42.

Golden Age, ii. 18; vi. 14, 16, 19, 24, 38; vii. 40, 50, 55.

Goliath, ix. 14.

Good and Evil, ii. 9; iii. 11. See Evil.

Gorgon, see Medusa.

Gospel of Interpretation, Pref. ix, x, xxxvi, xlvii, liv; vii. 53; App. iii. 347-349. See


          of Salvation, ii. 12. See Salvation.

Gospels, i. 50; viii. 24, 28-30, 32, 42, 43, 48; App. ii. 328, 330; App. iii. 350-352. See


          of Love and Force, i. 55e.

Grand Man, ix. 5, 18; App. i. 321. See Man.

Grave or Material Consciousness, i. 46.

Gravitation, Spiritual, vii. 18.

Great Deep, ii. 34. See Mother, Substance.

          Gulf, iii. 16.

          White Throne, ix. 49.

          Work, vi. 20; viii. 10, 23. See Works.

Greater Mysteries, see Mysteries.

Green, v. 16.

Greek Mysteries, Pref. liii. See Mysteries.

Gregory of Nazianzen, vi. 8.

Gregory of Nyssa, vi. 8.

Gryzanowsky, Dr. E., Pref. xlvii.

Guardian Angel, see Angels.

Guides, see Controls.

Gulf, Great, iii. 16.


(p. 379)


Hades, descent into, iv. 20. See Hell.

Hayman, Dr., v. 35, n.

Healing Powers, iii. 18. See Power.

Heaven, i. 8; iv. 16; v. 45; vi. 19.

          Fire of, vi. 19.

          Hierarchy of, iii. 37, 60; ix. 49.

          Kingdom of, Pref. xv, xvi; i. 49; iii. 3; iv. 4, 21, 23, 25, 31; vi. 26; ix. 22, 40.

Heavens, Degrees of, Three, vi. 42.

          Generation of, ix. 45.

Hegel, Pref. R.E. Ixxvi.

Hell, iii. 9, 21; vi. 21; ix. 7. See Hades, Gehenna.

Hephaistos, viii. 29.

          Tongs of, ix. 16.

Hera, vii. 42; ix. 13, 34.

Heracles, i. 49; v. 35; vii. 42; viii. 19, .22; App. iii. 350.

          Ascension of, i. 49.

Heredity, vii. 17.

Heritage of Elect, iv. 25. See Elect.

Hermes, Pref. F.E. Ixxxi, Ixxxviii; v. 20, 41; vi. 19; viii. 12; ix. 11, 13, 15, 16, 17; App. ii.

            337, 338.

          Trismegistus, i. 36; v. 16, n.; ix. 53.

Hermetic Philosophy, Pref. xii; Pref. R.E. Ixix; vii. 3; viii. 12; ix. 12; App. i. 307. See


Hermetic Society, Pref. xxiv, n.

Herod, viii. 31.

Heroes, viii. 18.

Hestia, ii. 13; vi. 31.

Heterisation, Pref. R.E. lxxv, Ixxvi.

Hiddekel, vi. 6; App. ii. 339.

Hierarch, viii. 19, 22, 23.

Hierarchy of Heaven, see Heaven.

Hieroglyph, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; ii. 46; viii. 26.

Hierophant, iii. 53.

Hill, see Mount.

Hindu Myths, vi. 12.

          Philosophy, Pref. liii.

Hindustan, viii. 53.

History, see Religion.

Holy City, vi. 24; viii. 19.

          Family, viii. 52.

          Ghost, or Spirit, Pref. ii, iii, n.; Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; ix. 43-45. See Procession, Spirit.

          Born of, v. 44, 45. See Regeneration.

          Descent of, i. 7; iv. 31. See Illumination.

          Grace of, i. 7.

          Grail, viii. 11.

          of Holies, viii. 28, 48; ix. 49.

Honey, App. ii. 339.

Horus, i. 49.

Host, vi. 34. See Bread.

Hosts, God of, see God.

Houris, ix. 28.

House of God; vi. 5.

          of Bondage, see Body.

Houses, see Twelve.


(p. 380)


Human Kingdom, vi. 4. See God (Kingdom of), Kingdom.

          is Divine, i. 52; iii. 55; v. 23.

Humanity, Pref. F.E. Ixxxii; ii. 32; v. 23; vi. 24; vii. 11, 13, 20, 50; viii. 6, 47, 53, 54; ix. 8,

            9, 18, 22, 38. See Man.

Hydrogen, ii. 20.

Hygieia, vii. 55.


lacchos, i. 44; v. 16, 40, 41; viii. 28, 37, 52; App. ii. 339.

lannos, i. 21.

Ideas, ii. 19; iv. 3, 16, 20; viii. 3, 5; ix. 46, 50.

          Archetypal, v. 21.

          Divine, ii. 14;

          and Existence, viii. 5.

          and Organism, v. 8.

          Religious, i. 54.

          True, i. 54.

Idolatry, Pref. vi, lix, n.; Pref. F.E. Ixxxii; ii. 8; iv. 3, 31; vi. 25, 26, 42; vii. 6, 51, 52; viii.

            10, 26; ix. 10; App. iii. 351, 352.

Ignorance, viii. 32. See Knowledge.

Ill Living, iii. 45.

Illumination, Pref. xxv, xxvii-xxix, liii-lvii; Pref. R.E. lxxix; iii. 52, 53; v. 24, 25; App. iii.

            349. See Wisdom.

          Divine, i. 7; vii. 13; ix. 9, 11. See Knowledge (Divine).

Illumination, Food and, iv. 19. See Food.

Image of God, i. 53; ii. 11, 44, 45; v. 18; vi. 2, 14, 24; vii. 5, 26, 39, 51; viii. 4, 11; ix. 8,

            9, 18, 41, 46, n., 53.

          of Nebuchadnezzar, ix. 14.

Imitation of God, ii. 11.

          of Christ, iii. 30.

 Immaculate Conception, see Mary, Christ.

          Mother of God, see Mother, Soul.

Immanuel, iv. 32.

Immortality, ii. 26; vi. 8; App. i. 323. See Soul, Life.

Impurity, iii. 21; vii. 18, 23.

Incantation, iii. 9; iv. 7.

Incarnation, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; iv. 31; vi. 31; viii. 40; ix. 7, n.; App. ii. 328. See

            Reincarnation, Soul.

India, viii. 51, 52.

Individual, ii. 15; v. 43; vii. 7; viii. 3; ix. 46, n. See Animals, Soul. Plants.

Individualism, v. 2.

Individuality, ii. 21; iii. 28; v. 5, 32, 43. See Substance, Soul.

          not lost, ii. 16.

Influx, Divine. i. 8.

Initiate, Initiation, Pref. xliv; iii. 18; iv. 20; viii. 22, 31; App. ii. 330-340.


(p. 381)


Innocence, viii. 22.

Intellect, Pref. F.E. Ixxxiv; i. 5; ii. 38; vii. 1, 12; ix. 23, 25, 34.

Interpretation, vii. 2, 53. See Biblical Interpretation, Gospel.

Intuition, Pref. xxv, lx, Ixi; Pref. R.E. Ixx, Ixxi; Pref. F.E. Ixxxiv; i. 5-7; ii. 38, 41; v. 33; vii.

            12, 13, 30; viii. 31; ix. 17, 23. See Faculty.

          Feminine mode of Mind, i. 5, 11; ii. 38; vi. 38; vii. 1, 51, 55; ix. 13, 34. See


          Inner Perception and Recollection, i. 12, 15; ii. 43.

I. O., ii. 41; ix. 42.

Irenaeus, vi. 8.

Isaac, viii. 51-53.

Isaiah, iv. 23; viii. 25; ix. 2.

Isha, vi. 15, 23.

Ishmael, viii. 53.

Isis, ii. 35; iii. 42, 51; iv. 27; vi. 18, 32, 36; viii. 52; App. ii. 337.

Islam, viii. 53; ix. 28.

Israel, Pref, F.E. Ixxxvi; vii. 48, 55; viii. 30, 47, 50-52; App. ii. 329.

Issa, iv. 27; App. ii. 333.


Jacob, viii. 51-53. See lacchos.

Jakshas, iv. 12.

James, viii. 48; App. iii. 355.

Janus Bifrons, Pref. Ixv; i. 21.

Jao, ii. 42.

Jasper, vi. 4.

Jechidah, App. iii. 343.

Jehovah, ii. 42; iii. 28; vi. 31; vii. 5; ix. 5, 7, 42.

Jehovah-Nissi, v. 16.

Jericho, ix. 13.

Jerome, vi. 3, n., 8.

Jerusalem, Pref. F.E. Ixxxvi.

          New, vii. 30; viii. 43.

Jesse, viii. 52.

Jesus, Pref. xlvii; Pref. R.E. Ixxiii; i. 39, 56; ii. 46; vi. 3, 42; viii. 12, 17, 24-27, 49, 52;

            App. ii. 329; App. iii. 350, 351. See Christ, Issa.

          Baptism of, see Baptism.

          Birth of, v. 45; viii. 29.

          and Bloody Sacrifice, iv. 8. See Bloody Sacrifice.

          Buddha and Pythgoras, viii. 48-51.

          Chrestos, iv. 27, 30.

          Crucifixion of, App. ii. 336. See Crucifixion.

          and Fish-eating and Flesh-eating, see Food.

          as Liberator, viii. 27.

          and Mary, vi. 19; viii. 39; App. iii. 344. See Mary.

          Name of, iv. 27; viii. 27.

          versus Paul, ix. 22.

          and Reincarnation, i. 39; viii. 42. See Reincarnation.

          Resurrection of, see Resurrection.


(p. 382)


Job, Pref. iv, xv; viii. 52.

John, i. 39; vi. 3, 4; viii. 12, 48; ix. 2.

          the Divine, viii. 29.

          Baptist, viii. 38, 49.

Jonas, i. 21.

Jordan, viii. 39; App. ii. 339. See Rivers.

Joseph, Mind as, viii. 30, 31; App. ii. 328, 329.

Josephus, i. 39.

Joshua, ix. 15.

Jove, ii. 42.

Judaism, Pref. vi; i. 55b.

Judas, iv. 9; viii. 44.

Julian the Apostate, iv. 14.

Justice, Pref. xlv; ii. 20; ix. 18.

          Divine, iii. 21; viii. 2.

          Reincarnation and, i. 41. See Reincarnation.

          is Sympathy, iii. 21.

Justin Martyr, vi. 8.


Kaabeh, vi. 1-3, 5; ix. 18.

Kabbala, Pref. vi, n., liii; Pref. R.E. Ixxix, Ixxx; i. 47; v. 20; ix. 9, 18-20, 24.

Kabbalistic Philosophy, Pref. xii, n.; Pref. R.E. Ixix; v. 21; viii. 12; App. i. 307. See


Kalpa, i. 29; iv. 35; v. 41; vi. 31, 34; App. i. 323.

Kant, Pref. R.E. Ixxv.

Karma, v. 14, 41.

Karoub Tree, i. 25.

Kelpis, iii. 34.

Keys of the Kingdom, i. 21.

Killing, see Animals.

Kingdom of Heaven, see Heaven, Human Kingdom.

Kingdom of God, see God.

          Keys of the, i. 21.

Kings of the Earth, vii. 31; viii. 34.

          of the East, vii. 48; viii. 36, 53.

King's Chamber, v. 22; viii. 28.

          Daughter, viii. 19; ix. 14.

          Weapons, ix. 14.

Kingsford, Anna, Pref. xxvii, xxix, xxx, xxxiii, xliii, xliv.

          Death of, Pref. xlix.

          Illuminations of, Pref. v, n., xxii, xlix, /, liii-lix.

          Illuminations of, concerning Interpretation, Pref. xxvii-xxx.

          and Knowledge, Pref. xliv, xlvi, liv, Ivi, n., Ix, Ixi.

          and Edward Maitland, Pref. xxii, xxiii, xxxiii-xxxix, I.

          a Memory, Pref. xxviii; n., xxxiii.

          Name of, viii. 36.

          and The Three Veils, vi. 42.

Knowledge, Divine, Pref. xxv, liii-lv, lx-lxii; Pref. R.E. Ixx; i. 15; ix. 9, 17. See

            Illumination, Tree.

          of God, i. 17, 18; ii. 2, 3; v. 28.

          by Labour, viii. 31.

          and Love, App. iii. 338. See Love.


(p. 383)


Knowledge, Positive, i. 13, 15.

          of Realities, vii. 10.

          Self, ii. 2, 3; v. 28, 33; vii. 10; viii. 32; ix. 9; App.iii. 349.

          by Sensation, i. 54.

          Spirit of, ii. 32.

          and Understanding, Pref. iii; i. 19-21, 51; ii. 38, 39; ix. 9.

Koran, vi. 1; ix. 28.

Krishna, Pref. viii; i. 38, 44, 49, 56; ii. 46; viii. 12, 50; ix. 3, 11, 52.

Kronia, vi. 35.


Labours, see Twelve.

Lake, see Genesareth.

Lalita-Vistara, i. 47.

Lamb, Blood of the, vii. 29. See Blood.

          of God, iv. 30; viii. 41.

          Marriage of, vi. 2; viii. 41.

Land, Pref. Ixv.

Lares and Penates, iii. 8, 20. See Shades.

Larvae, iii. 19, 20. See Shades.

Last Supper and Passover, App. iii. 359.

Law, App. i. 307, 308.

          and Gospel, ii. 42.

          One, v. 42. See Solidarity.

Lazarus, iii. 16; viii. 28; App. ii. 329.

Leaven, Spirit as, i. 9.

Leibnitz on Reincarnation, i. 38.

Leo, vi. 39.

Leo XIII., v. 44, n.; vi. 39.

Lethe, iii. 20.

Levi, Tribe of, viii. 45. See Eliphas.

Lewes, G.H., ix. 17, n., 34, n.

Libra, vi. 37; ix. 22.

Life, i. 30; iii. 37; v. 10; ix. 43. See Tree.

          and Death, Pref. Ixiii.

          the Divine, iv. 25.

          Earth-, i. 41.

          Eternal, ii. 47. See Elixir, Eternal Life, Soul.

          God is, ii. 31, 34. See God.

          Mode of, i. 8, 35.

          and Substance, see God, Soul.

          Water of, vi. 6.

Life-process, v. 18.

Life of Anna Kingsford, Pref. xxi.

Light, latent, iii. 24.

          of Asia, iv. 15.

          Invisible, ii. 30, 32; ix. 45.

Lily, William, Pref. xxxiv.

Limbo, Limbic, iii. 4, 8.

Lion, vi. 2, 4, 15, 39; viii. 29; App. iii. 343.

Living Creatures, see Cherubim.

          Ill, iii. 45.

Loaves and Fishes, viii. 28; App. ii. 329, 330.

Logos, v. 20; viii. 17, 50; ix. 5, 23-25, 44, 46, 50, 53. See God (the Lord), Reason.

Lord, Marks of the, iv. 24.

          Mount of the, vi. 5. See Mount.

          Our, and the Lord, Pref. ii; viii. 28; ix. 7, 8. See God.

Lot's Wife, vi. 20.


(p. 384)


Love of Christ, iii. 33.

          and Death, App. i. 323.

          Divine, ii. 10; iv. 25, 33, 34; vii. 13; viii. 32. See God.

          Feminine quality, vii. 12; viii. 29; ix. 18.

          and Force, see Gospels.

          of God, iii. 11; viii. 11. See Blood.

          and Justice, iii. 21.

          and Knowledge, viii. 12; App, ii. 338.

          and Will, see Will.

          and Wisdom, iv. 26, 30; ix. 16.

Lucretius, ix. 39.

Luke, viii. 29.

Lunar Months, viii. 44.

Luther, ix. 27.


Maccabees, vi. 11.

Macrocosm and Microcosm, Pref. R.E. Ixxvi; i. 10; ii. 19, 22, 36, 37; iii. 3, 38, 51; iv. 15,

            31; v. 25; vi. 2, 21; vii. 5; viii. 5, 36, 43, 51; ix. 9, 44. See God.

Magdalen, viii. 32, 35; ix. 13.

Magi, Magian, vii. 48; viii. 22, 36, 53.

Magic Number, iii. 4.

Magical Age, vi. 3; viii. 19, 31.

Magie, la Haute, El. Levi, iv. 12, n.; v. 39.

Magnetic Atmosphere, i. 54; ii. 18; iii. 18.

          Body, iii. 4, 5; App. iii. 342. See Astral Fluid.

          Factor, ii. 21.

Magnetic Force, ii. 13.

          Spirits, see Astrals.

Maimonides, i. 25; vi. 8.

Maitland, Edward, Pref. xxvi-xxxiv, xxxvi-xxxix. See Anna Kingsford.

          Death of, Pref. Iviii, lix.

          a Memory, vii. 40, 41.

Man, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; ii. 38, 39; iii. 29; vii. 9-12, 39, 51; viii. 49, 51; ix. 33, 38, 53. See

            Grand Man, Humanity.

          Ailments of, iii. 15.

          Bodies of, Material, ii. 23; iii. 2.

          -Child, vii. 28, 29; viii. 39.

          Creation of, vii. 8.

          his own Creator, ii. 25; vii. 51.

          Dematerialisation of, i. 14.

          Devolution of, see Transmigration (downwards).

          Divine Part of, i. 13; iii. 55.

          Evil, end of, see Soul (loss of).

          Evolution of, i. 32, 33; vii. 39, 51.

          Exterior and Mundane, v. 33; vii. 12, 13, 20, 44; ix. 14. See Adam.

          Face of, vi. 24.

          Fall of, i. 52; vii. 15. See Fall.

          Force as, iii. 28. See Father.

          Fourfold, Pref. ii; i. 9, 10; ii. 18, 21; iii. 43, 55; iv. 17; vii. 1, 2, 7, 9-14; App. i. 313;

            App. iii. 341-343. See Fourfold.


(p. 385)


Man, God and, see God.

          God of, iii. 47.

          of God, iv. 23.

          Interior and Spiritual, ii. 18; iii. 2, 3; v. 33; vii. 20. See Eve.

          Intellect as, Pref. F.E. Ixxxiv; ii. 38; vii. 44; App. ii. 329.

          Life of, see Soul.

          Mental, v. 33; vii. 1.

          as Microcosm, iv. 31.

          Natural, iii. 3.

          Perfect, i. 52; iv. 27; vii. 30; viii. 45, 46; ix. 34, 53. See Christ, Perfection,


          Physical, iv. 27.

          as Planet, see Planet.

         of Power, see Power.

          Principles of Separable, v. 33; App. iii. 354.

          Regenerate, ii. 46; iv. 24; v. 33, 44, 45; viii. 25-28, 30, 31, 33. 38, 41, 45, 48, 49;

            ix. 12, 58.

          Rudimentary, iii. 43; vi. 14; vii. 10, 39; App. i. 314. See Animals.

          Sense as, vii. 1, 15.

          Sevenfold, App. iii. 342-343.

          of Sin, i. 55e; ix. 23.

          a Solar System, ix. 48.

          Son of, see Son.

          Spirit as, v. 10.

          Twofold, vii. 1, 2, 11, 13, 20; viii. 3. See Duality.

Manes, or Shades, iii. 7, 8, 20. See Shades.

Manetho, vi. 13.

Manhood, ii. 38; vii. 39.

Manifestation, viii. 5; ix. 42, 44.

          of God, v. 17, 18. See Adonai, Christ.

Mark, viii. 29.

Marriage, iii. 55; vii. 12.

          Divine, Pref. ii; iii. 29, 50, 55; iv. 21; v. 14, 34; vi. 39; vii. 50; viii. 41, 43; App. ii.

            334, 339, 340.

          of the Lamb, see Lamb.

          Supper, viii. 44.

Mary, or Maria, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; ii. 34-37; vi. 19, 23, 37; viii. 30, 32, 35, 39, 40.

          Annunciation of, viii. 39.

          Assumption of, Pref. R.E. lxxviii; v. 44-46; viii. 40.

          Conception of, v. 43, 44, 45.

          brings us to Jesus, vi. 19; App. iii. 344. See Jesus.

          Soul as, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; ii. 35; vi. 19; viii. 30, 32, 39.

          Suffering of, viii. 32. See Suffering.

Mary Magdalen, viii. 32. See Soul.

Materialism and Materialists, Pref. xiv, xvi, Iviii, lx, n.; i. 13, 14, 48; ii. 4, 6, 7, 12, 24, 38,

            39; iii. 33; iv. 3, 5, 31; vii. 52; ix. 10, 14, 17, 30, 31, 35-39. See Mystics.


(p. 386)


Materialistic Hypothesis, i. 5, 24, 53; v. 1; vii. 37; ix. 34, n.

Matter, Pref. R.E. lxxv; i. 26, 28, 30; ii. 8, 9; v. 8, 11, 12; vii. 15, 16, 25; viii. 5; ix. 35;

            App. i. 307.

          as Middle Term, Pref. R.E. lxxv; v. 8.

          Antithesis of Spirit, i. 14; ii. 4. See Spirit.

          Dynamic and Static, i. 29. See Motion.

          Dynamic Condition of Substance, i. 28-30. See Substance.

          as Egypt, see Egypt.

          Manifestation of Spirit, i. 31; ii. 8, 9; viii. 5. See Creation, Spirit.

          not dead, ii. 22.

          not evil, ii. 8, 11; vii. 16.

          not God, ii. 2, 3.

          not Soul, ii. 2.

Matthew, viii. 29.

Maudsley, Dr., ix. 34, n.

Maut, vi. 15.

Maya, vi. 25, 26, 31, 33; App. i. 322.

Mecca, vi. 1.

Mediator, Soul as, i. 18, 21; vii. 13.

Medium, iii. 23; viii. 15, 16, 18.

Medusa, Pref. F.E. lxxxi-lxxxiii.

Memory, Intuitional, Pref. vii, lvi, lvii; i. 6-8; vi. 10; vii. 40; App. iii. 363. See Intuition,


          and Evolution, v. 2, 3.

Memory, of Planet, i. 16. See Planet.

          Recovery of, iii. 50, 52. See Ezra, Soul.

          Two kinds of, iii. 50; v. 2, 31.

Men, Evil, see Soul (loss of).

Mercury, ix. 16.

Mercy, ix. 18.

Merkaba, vi. 2, 4; ix. 18.

Meru, Mount, vi. 5.

Messiah, iv. 8; viii. 45, 47.

Metallic Region of Planet, see Planet.

Metempsychosis, i. 39; iii. 20.

Microcosm, see Macrocosm.

          Day and Night of, iii. 38, 39.

Migration of Cosmic Souls, v. 42.

Milton, iii. 33; ix. 27.

Mind, Pref. R.E. lxxvii; i. 23, 34; v. 8, 9, 20; App. i. 307, 310.

          God is, ii. 31; v. 8, 9. See God.

          Inward, see Intuition.

          as Joseph, see Joseph.

          Outward, see Intellect.

Minerals, ii. 21; iii. 4; App. iii. 343.

Minerva, ii. 35; viii. 29.

Miracles, i. 24, 25; viii. 28; App. i. 307; App. ii. 329; App. iii. 357.

Mirror, Protoplasmic, iii. 7; vii. 7.

Mithras, Pref. vi, viii; i. 44, 49, 56; ii. 46; vi. 37; viii. 25, 50; App. iii. 350.

Mohammed, vi. 1; viii. 53.

Molecules, i. 28; v. 2, 3, 32.


(p. 387)


Moloch, iv. 14.

Monad, v. 32

          Dualism of, ii. 29.

Monstrance, vi. 34.

Moon, The Genius as, iii. 39-47, 51, 52. See Genius.

          The Apocalyptic, vii. 27.

Mormonism, ix. 28.

Mordecai, vii. 55.

Moses, Pref. lv; Pref. R.E. lxxiii; iii. 49; iv. 7; vi. 10-13, 15; viii. 48, 50, 52; ix. 2, 9, 24.

          Books of, see Pentateuch, Fall.

Moshein, vi. 8.

Mother, viii. 30, 32, 35, 39, 40; ix. 53.

          God as, see God.

          of God, Pref. R.E. lxxvii; ii. 34; vii. 18. See Soul.

          Great Deep as, ix. 43. See Great Deep.

          of the Living, ii. 37; vi. 15, 23; vii. 13, 20.

          of Sorrows, Joys, ii. 36. See Suffering.

          Substance, Divine, as, iv. 37; ix. 43, 44. See Substance.

          of Sun-God, vi. 37. See Sun-Gods.

Motion, ii. 22; v. 3; vi. 31, 33-35. See Fire.

Mount, Celestial, The, vi. 5, 36; vii. 43-49; ix. 9. See Olympus, Perfection.

Murder, vii. 52.

Mysteries, Pref. xii, xiii, liii; i. 44; iv. 4, 20, 31; v. 22, 46; vi. 2, 40; vii. 41; viii. 28, 52;

            App. ii. 330-333, 340. See Colleges.

Mysteries, Appertain to Soul, iv. 5; v. 46.

          Egyptian, see Egyptian.

          Framers of the, iv. 5.

          Greater and Lesser, Pref. xxxv; iii. 60; vi. 2; viii. 28; App. ii. 340.

          Guardian of, vi. 17.

          not Incomprehensible, ix. 9, 10.

          Secrecy of, Pref. xxxiv, xxxv; iii. 28. See Secrecy.

          Taught Transmrigration, i. 35-41.

Mystery of Godliness, ix. 9, 18.

Mysticism, Pref. v, xiii-xix; ii. 4; vii. 10; ix. 10, 29-36.

Mystics, Pref. xix-xv; ii. 3; v. 28, 29; vii. 48; viii. 25; ix. 29, 30, 32-34, 36. See Flight.

          and Materialists, ix. 17, 35-39. See Materialism.

Myths, Parabolic in Hebrew Scriptures, vi. 12.


Naiads, iii. 34.

Names of God, see God.

Naros, vi. 35.


(p. 388)


Nature, ii. 34; iii. 21; vii. 51; viii. 3; App. i. 306; App. iii. 343, 345.

          Spirits, iii. 34.

Nebuchadnezzar, Dream of, vii. 55.

          Image of, ix. 14.

Necessity, the Will of God, v. 12. See Will.

Negation, Pref. F.E. Ixxxiii; ii. 7; iii. 10; iv. 28, 30; vi. 22.

          Devil as, see Devil, No-God, Not-Being.

Neoplatonists, i. 7; ix. 34.

Nephesh, i. 40, n.; v. 35; App. iii. 342.

Neshamah, v. 35, 41; App. iii. 341, 343.

Newman, Cardinal, ix. 10, n.

Nicodemus, v. 45.

Night Time of Soul, iii. 31, 51-53.

Ninth hour, App. ii. 340.

Nirvâna, of Annihilation, ii. 17. See Annihilation.

          Celestial, Pref. R.E. lxxvii; i. 29; ii. 16; iii. 29; v. 37, 43, n.; vi. 31, 35; viii. 28, 43;

            App. i. 323, 336; App. iii. 342, 353.

Noah, vi. 3.

          Daniel, and Job, viii. 52.

No-God, The, ii. 9; iii. 10; vii. 17. See Negation.

Nonentity, ii. 6; iii. 14; v. 28.

Not-Being, iii. 11. See Negation.

Nothing, viii. 5.

Nous, iii. 55, 56; v. 16; ix. 11; App. iii. 343.

Now, vi. 40; vii. 4.

          and Within, ix. 54. See Within.

Nucleolus, iii. 57; v. 44; viii. 29, 44, 51; App. i. 312, 314, 321; App. iii. 342, 343.

Nucleus, iii. 57; v. 4, 44; viii. 48; App. i. 312, 314, 315, 318, 321; App. iii. 342, 343.

Nysa-Nissi, ix. 9.


Obedience, iii. 22; viii. 3, 21.

Obelisk, iii. 37.

Objective, Pref. R.E. Ixxiii; v. 31, 33. See Subjective.

Oblation of God, iv. 16, 22, 35, 36.

          of Christ, iv. 26, 27.

Occult Science, see Science.

Ocean of Infinitude, ii. 34.

Odic, or Astral, ii. 19, 21; App. iii. 342. See Astral.

Odysseus, v. 35.

Oil, Soul as, ii. 26.

Olivet, ix. 9.

Olympus, Pref. F.E. Ixxxiv; iv. 35; vi. 5. See Mount.

Only Begotten; vii. 30; viii. 17; ix. 5.

Ordeal, iii. 8; viii. 22.

Organic and Inorganic, v. 3.

          World, ii. 21.

Organism, v. 8.

Origen, vi. 8.

Original, Divine, ix. 36.

          Sin, see Sin.

Ormusd, ix. 5.

Orthodoxies, Pref. xiii; Pref. R.E. Ixxxvii; vi. 30; ix. 23.

Osiris, Pref. vi, viii; i. 44, 49, 56; ii. 46; viii. 25, 50; App. ii. 337; App. iii. 350.


(p. 389)


Ouseley, Rev. G.J.R., Pref. xlviii.

Ovary, vii. 3.

Ovid, vi. 14, 24.

Ox, Oxen, vi. 2, 4; viii. 29, 37; App. iii. 343.

Oxygen, ii. 20.


Pallas or Minerva, ii. 35; viii. 29.

Pantheism, iv. 35.

Papias, vi. 8.

Paracelsus, iv. 12.

Paraclete, i. 7; viii. 51.

Paradise, Pref. Iv; vi. 2, 6, 7; vii. 51; ix. 9. See Rivers.

          Lost and Regained, vi. 16, 23, 24.

Parenchyma, v. 39.

Passion, iv. 31; vi. 2; viii. 7, 8, 21, 28, 39, 41; App. ii. 334, 340.

          Week, six Days of Creation, iv. 2, 35; viii. 28. See Creation.

Passover and Last Supper, App. iii. 359.

Paul, Pref. R.E. Ixxviii; iii. 33; iv. 9; vi. 19, 20; viii. 27; ix. 9, 19-24; App. ii. 336; App. iii.


Pearl, viii. 43.

Penance, iii. 8; vi. 31.

Penates. See Lares.

Pentateuch, viii. 24. See Genesis.

          on Sacrifice, iv. 6.

          not by Moses, iv. 7; vi. 11.

Perception, vii. 1; ix. 40. See Sight.

Perceptive Point, v. 30, 33.

Perfect Man, i. 32; iv. 27, 29; App. iii. 352. See Man.

Perfect Way, The, Pref. i, iv, vi, vii; Pref. R.E. lxix; Pref. F.E. Ixxxvii, Ixxxviii; i. 7; ii. 47;

            vi. 24; App. iii. 363.

          and Common Sense, i. 23.

          and its Critics, Pref. xlv, xlvi, li; App. iii. 341-364.

          a Discovery, Pref. iv, v; Pref. R.E. lxix.

          a Divine Revelation, Pref. v, vii, ix, xxxviii, xxxix, xliii-xlvi, liii-lv, Ix; Pref. R.E.

            Ixxix; i. 8; ii. 12; App. iii. 363.

          an Eirenicon, Pref. lix; Pref. R.E. Ixxviii.

          and Experiences. Pref. xx, xxi, xxiii, liv; Pref. R.E. Ixxi; ix. 47, n.

          and the Gnosis, Pref. xlvii, Ivi; Pref. R.E. Ixix, Ixxi, Ixxiv; i. 2; ii. 12. See Gnosis.

          History of, Pref. xxi-xlii, xlviii-li.


(p. 390)


Perfect Way, The, opposed to Idolatry, Pref. lix; App. iii. 348, 349.

          Interpretative, Pref. F.E. Ixxxviii; i. 56.

          Object of, Pref. iv, x, xxi; Pref. R.E. lix, lx; Pref. F.E. Ixxxvi; i. 1-3, 42, 56; ii. 2,

            44; App. iii. 347.

          Reception of, Pref. xlv-xlviii; Pref. R.E. Ixxviii.

          Reconciliatory, Pref. F.E. Ixxxviii.

         a Recovery, Pref. iv, v, xlvi, xlvii, liv, lix; Pref. R.E. Ixix; i. 2, 3, 42, 55a; ii. 4; vii.

            49; App. iii. 363, 364.

          not Speculation, Pref. Ix, Ixi; i. 53; App. iii. 363.

          Teaching of, Pref. vii; Pref. R.E. Ixxi; i. 42, 51, 52.

          Teaching of, Source of, ix. 34; App. iii. 363.

          Teaching of, now first disclosed, ii. 12; vii. 49.

          for whom written, Pref. xviii, xix; Pref. R.E. Ixxvi, Ixxvii; i. 51, 52.

Perfection, Pref. i, ii; ii. 23, 45, 46; iii. 29, 54; vi. 6; vii. 5, 45; viii. 4, 7, 8, 11, 38, 42. See


          Degrees of, see Twelve.

          by Experience, ii. 10.

          Mount of, vii. 45, 47; ix. 9. See Mount.

          Original, viii. 1.

          System of, i. 2; ii. 5, 7.

Perisoul, i. 9; ii. 13, 18, 21; iii. 4, 5, 23, 29. See Astral Body or Sphere.

          of Planet, ii. 18; App. iii. 342.

Perseus, Pref. F.E. Ixxxi-lxxxiii.

Person of Microcosm, vi. 4; ix. 11.

          in Godhead, ii. 29; v. 17.

          in Trinity, v. 4; ix. 42.

Persona, v. 9.

Personality, i. 32; iii. 32; v. 9, 11, 12, 17, 31, 42, 43, n.; App. i. 322-323; App. iii. 354.

            See God, Planet, Soul, Substance.

Personation of Spirits, iii. 25.

Persons, iii. 56, 57; ix. 7, n., 11.

Peter, i. 20; vii. 32; viii. 48.

          Catholic Tradition, i. 21.

          Confession of, i. 20.

          Ship of, Pref. Ixiv, Ixv.

Phantasmagoria, iii. 28.

Phantasms, vii. 13.


(p. 391)


Phantoms, v. 27, 35, 36, 37. See Astral.

          Death of, v. 38.

Pharaoh, vi. 6.

Pharisees, vi. 11.

Phenomena and Substance, ii. 5; App. i. 306, 308-310.

          Incapable of Self-cognition, v. 31.

Philistines, ix. 14.

Philo, iii. 33; ix. 24.

Philosopher's Stone, viii. 11; ix. 14.

Phison, vi. 6, 14.

Phoibos, iv. 20.

Pillar of Cloud and Fire, ix. 16.

Pindar, ii. 22; v. 35, n.

Plagiarists, Mystics not, ix. 29, 30.

Planes, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; i. 30; iii. 56, 57.

          Four, see Fourfold.

Planet, Astral Counterpart of, v. 39.

          Astral Region, ii. 18; iii. 5-15; v. 16, 39-41.

          Body of, see Body.

          Consciousness of, v. 16, 17.

          Fourfold, ii. 18; vii. 3, 4, 43.

          Human Region, ii. 18; iii. 17; v. 16, 40.

          Man as, iii. 42, 43.

          Memory of, i. 16; ii. 18; iii. 7; v. 16, 17; vii. 7.

          Metallic Region of, ii. 18.

          and its Offspring, ii. 18.

Planet, Organic Region, ii. 18; iii. 16; v. 16.

          a Person, ii. 18; v. 16, 39. See Personality.

          Soul of, ii. 18; v. 17, 39, 41.

Planet-God, v. 16.

Planisphere, Zodiacal, vi. 36.

Plants, Individual, ii. 18; iii. 55; vii. 10. See Individual, Soul.

Plato, i. 38; iii. 33; vi. 24; vii. 41; ix. 24, 25.

Plurality of God, ix. 45.

Poet, ii. 27.

Point of Consciousness, Radiant, v. 23-26, 30.

Polarisation, v. 11, 43, 44; vi. 19, 20; viii. 10, 18, 22; ix. 49; App. i. 323, 324.

          Fourfold, v. 23.

Polarities, v. 33.

Pontius Pilate, iv. 9.

Pope, see Leo.

Popes, Signet of, v. 16, n.

Poseidon, iii. 16; viii. 29; ix. 16.

Positive Doctrine, ii. 5.

Possession, iii. 15.

Postel, Pref. R.E. Ixxx.

Potency, Divine, ix. 46.

Potentiality of Man, ii. 1, 28, 29; iv. 31; vii. 10, 39; viii. 18. See Power.

Poverty, viii. 20.

Power, vi. 26; vii. 38, 39. See Healing, Potency.

          of the Dissolvent, viii. 12.

          Man of, viii. 18-23. See Potentiality.

          Spirit of, ii. 32.


(p. 392)


Power of Transmutation, see Transmutation.

Powers, v. 21; ix. 3, 44, 49. See Gods.

          of the Air, see Astrals.

          Four, v. 4.

Pralaya, v. 41.

Prayer, iii. 49; viii. 20.

Prerogative of Man, see Revelation.

Present Time, a New Era, see Time.

Presiding Spirits, iii. 34. See Spirits.

Priest and Prophet, iv. 7, 10.

Priesthoods, Error of, i. 22; iv. 5; vi. 28; vii. 19, 47.

          Faithful, vii, 46, 47.

Principalities, v. 21; ix. 49.

Principium, ii. 34.

Principles, Separability of, v. 33, 35; App. iii. 354. See Consciousness.

          Endure; App. i. 323.

Prism, iii. 60; iv. 25.

Procession of Spirit, iii. 37; ix. 45.

          of Holy Ghost, ix. 43.

Proclus, ix. 17.

Procrustes, Pref. R.E. Ixxvi.

Prodigal Son, ii. 9.

Prometheus, vi. 19.

Proof of Doctrine, App. iii. 357;

Prophet, ii. 43; iii. 48, 53; iv. 7, 10; vii. 49.

          and . Bloodshed, iv. 6; 15. See Bloodshed, Blood.

          and Idolatry, ii. 15.

Propitiation, iv. 9.

Protestantism and Woman, ix. 27.

Protoplast, v. 19.

Psyche, v. 4, 6, 12-14, 25, 31-33.

          Detachment of, v. 34.

Psychic Faculty, see Faculty.

Purgation, v. 13, 37, 38; vi. 6. See Suffering.

Purgatory, iii. 4, 8, 16, 20; v. 37. See Astral.

Purification, iii. 16; viii. 4, 16; ix. 53.

Purity, Condition of, as Means to Salvation, vi. 42; vii. 18, 30; viii. 7; App. i. 313. See

            Impurity, Chastity, Water.

Pymander, i. 36; ix. 53.

Pyramid, iii. 37; vi. 2; vii. 55; viii. 28; App. ii. 331-334.

Pyrrha, see Deucalion.

Pythagoras, i. 38; ii. 46; viii. 48, 49, 51.

Python, ii. 12; vi. 36.


Qualification of Writers, i. 4.

Queen of Heaven, v. 46.

Queen's Chamber, viii. 28.


Ra, ix. 5.

Rabbi Eliezer, i. 25.

Rabbinical Interpretations, vi. 12.

Race, Correspondence of, with Individual, vii. 7.

Radiant Point, God as, v. 25, 30.

Rahab, viii. 32; ix. 13.

Rainbow, see Bow.

Ram, ix. 13, 15; App. ii. 337.

Raphael, ix. 11, 15.

Rational, iii. 4.


(p. 393)


Reality, Spiritual only, Pref. R.E. lxxv, Ixxvii; vii. 10; App. i. 306.

Reason, Pure, i. 23; vi. 27; ix. 23, 24, 34, 50. See Logos.

          of Humanity, Pref. xix, xx.

          as Man Mental, see Intellect, Man.

          Superior or Soul, v. 4.

          Suppression of, ix. 10.

Reconciliation, iv. 16, 24. See Atonement.

Reconstruction, i. 56.

Redeemers, iv. 22, 26, 30; vii. 49. See Christs.

Redemption, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; i. 48; ii. 10, 35; iv. 29, 31, 35; vi. 20, 31, 38; vii. 26, 39;

            viii. 2, 5-7, 39, 41, 43. 47. See Renunciation, Suffering, Creation, Universe.

          Agent of, ii. 42. See Soul.

          of Body, see Body.

          Christ and, iv. 26, 27.

          of Spirit from Matter, iii. 22; v. 34; viii. 5, 10; App. i. 323. See Substance.

          Physical effect of, App. ii. 336.

Reed, see Rod.

Reflection, iii. 33.

          by Genius, iii. 47, 51.

Reflective States, iii. 31.

Reflects of the Living, iii. 25, 26, 33, 47, 57; ix. 7, n.

Reformation, ix. 27.

Refraction, iii. 26, 33.

Regeneration, Pref. xv; iii. 50, 53, 56; iv. 24; v. 30, 44, 45; vi. 24; viii. 4, 12, 31, 43; ix. 7,

            n., 53; App. ii. 328.

          and Purification, iii. 16. See Purification.

Reincarnation, i. 38-41; iii. 16, 19, 29, 55; vi. 10; vii. 25; viii. 9, 35; App. iii. 352, 363,

            364. See Jesus, Transmigration, Socrates.

          Cause of, ii. 24; v. 14; App. i. 318, 319.

Religion, Pref. v, xi; Pref. R.E, lxxi, Ixxiv; i. 42, 43, 48; vii. 49; viii. 24; ix. 34; App. i. 307,


          Christian, see Christianity.

          Degenerate, Pref. Ixv; i. 55f; vi. 25.

          Devotional, Pref. R.E. Ixxii.

          Historic, i. 43.


(p. 394)


Religion, Historical, not, Pref. xi, lxvi; Pref. R.E. Ixxii, Ixxiv, lxxv, Ixxvii; i. 43, 49; iii. 24;

            App. iii. 347, 348, 351, 352.

          Intellectual, Pref. R.E. Ixxii.

          Keynote of, iv. 4.

          Object of, ii. 23.

          Presentation of, Pref. R.E. Ixxii, See Christianity.

          Real, i. 48; ii. 12.

         is Spiritual, Pref. R.E. Ixxv, i. 49; iv. 4, 31.

Religions, Ancient, Pref. Ixiv, lxv; i. 37, 44, 47, 49; App. iii. 346. See Mysteries,


Religious Belief, Plane of, Pref. xiv; Pref. R.E. Ixxii, Ixxiv, Ixxv.

Renunciation, iv. 29; viii. 6, 38, 50.

Representative Men, ii. 5.

Reservation of Jesus, i. 55d.

Rest, or Static Condition, i. 29.

Resurrection, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; iv. 31; vi. 2; vii. 5, 6; viii. 8-10, 19, 21, 27, 28, 40, 52;

            App. ii. 330, 334, 336, 340.

          of Jesus, App. iii. 362.

Resuscitation, viii. 9.

Revealer, i. 7.

Revelation, Pref. v, liv, Iv. See Knowledge.

Revelation, Book of, vii. 19. See Apocalypse.

          Proper Prerogative of Man, Pref. xiv; i. 17; ii. 12.

Righteousness, Spirit of, ii. 32.

Rites, iv. 7.

Rivers of Paradise, vi. 6, 7, 14. See Eden, Jordan.

Rock, i. 19-21; ix. 11, 16. See Church.

Rod, i. 21; viii. 30; ix. 16; App. ii. 337.

Rosary, viii. 20, 39.

Rosicrucian, iii. 34.

Round Table, viii. 44.

Ruach, Anima Bruta, v. 35, 37, 38, 40; App. iii. 342. See Anima Bruta.

Rudimentary Men, see Man.


Sabbath, iii. 54; vi. 2, 14, 16, 31; vii. 55; viii. 28, 43.

Sacerdotal Interpolations, vi. 12.

Sacerdotalism, i. 55b; vii. 34, 41, 42; viii. 26. See Dogmas.

Sacrament of Eucharist, iv. 36, 37; Pref. xiii; iv. 25, 36, 37. See Bread, Wine.

Sacramental Host, see Bread.

Sacred Books, i. 43; iv. 4.

          Mysteries, Fourfold, iv. 2.

Sacrifice, Doctrine of, iv. 16. See Bloody Sacrifice, Vicarious.

          of God, see Oblation.

          Jesus and, iv. 8, 9. See Christ.

          in Pentateuch, Isaiah, Jeremiah, iv. 6, 7.


(p. 395)


Saint, Death of the, v. 34.

          Object of the, v. 43.

Saints, vii. 30.

Salamanders, iii. 34.

Salem, viii. 43.

Salt, ii. 35; vi. 20; viii. 10.

Salvation, Pref. R.E. Ixxv; i. 42, 50; ii. 12, 23; iii. 11, 22; iv. 27, 32; vii. 4-6, 18, 28; viii.

            4, 27, 47; App. iii. 349, 352, 353.

          Captain of, viii. 4; App. iii. 352.

          not Compulsory, iii. 11; vii. 17; App. iii. 344. See Soul (loss of).

Sangreal, iv. 19; viii. 11.

Sapphire, vi. 2, 4.

Sara, viii. 52, n.; ix. 20, n.

Satan, iii. 13.

Saturn, i. 21; v. 37; vi. 14, 35.

Saturnalia, vi. 35.

Saul, ix. 14.

Saving Faith, its Nature, i. 19.

Saviour, Pref. F.E. Ixxxiv; ii. 46; iv. 27, 30; vii. 18; viii. 18.

          Personal, iv. 27.

Scale, iii. 60.

Scandinavian Theology, v. 41.

Scheffler, i. 56; viii. 35.

Schelling, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; iii. 5.

Schwegler, ix. 34.

Science, Pref. x, xiii; Pref. R.E. Ixxii; i. 51; v. 22.

          and Christianity, see Christianity, Church.

          Materialistic, ii. 2; vii. 37.

Science, Occult, Pref. xvi, xvii; v. 1.

Scripture, Mystical, Pref. R.E. Ixxiii; i. 10; iv. 4; vi. 7-9; vii. 3-8; ix. 7, n. See Bible,


          Dual Interpretation, vii. 3.

Sea of Bitterness, ii. 36; viii. 32.

Seasons in Spiritual Life, vii. 50.

Secrecy, Pref. xliv; iii. 28. See Mysteries.

Sects of Persia, iv. 12.

Segregation, v. 2.

Self, viii. 3; ix. 34, 51.

          -denial, viii. 14, 21.

          -restraint, viii. 20.

          -consciousness, v. 28.

          -propagation, iii. 32.

Selfhood, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv, Ixxvi; v. 18, 43, n., 44; viii. 27.

Sensation and Knowledge, i. 54; ii. 6; vi. 26; ix. 38.

Senses, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; viii. 22.

          as Adam, vi. 19.

          Five, iv. 24; viii. 19. See Three.

Sensitive, iii. 19. See Astrals.

Sensitiveness, v. 29.

Separability of Principles, v. 33, 35.

Septimianus, vi. 35.

Sepulchre, viii. 26.

Seraph, vi. 15, 31, 34.

Serpent, ii. 42; iv. 17, 28; v. 44; vi. 13, 15, 22, 23, 25, 34; vii. 5, 26; viii. 39.

          Brazen, vi. 15.


(p. 396)


Serpent, of the Dust, iv. 28; vi. 15, 23, 27; vii. 24, 28.

          of Wisdom, vi. 15, 23, 31.

Serpents, vi. 29; ix. 10.

Sesha, i. 29.

Seven Churches, viii. 34.

          Colours, Pref. xlii.

          Days, ix. 13.

          Hills, vii. 31.

          Sins, Deadly, vii. 31.

          Spirits of God, Pref. xlii, xliv; ii. 32; iii. 60; vi. 5; ix. 44, 45. See Elohim, Man,


          or Within, vi. 2, 35.

Sex, ii. 41; vii. 11, 13; ix. 8.

Shades, iii. 5, 8, 19, 20, 25; v. 35; App. iii. 342.

Shechina, viii. 44.

Shiloh, vi. 39.

Sideral Body, ii. 21. See Astral Body.

Sight of God, i. 18; ix. 1, 2, 3, 8, 40, 41, 47, 48, 51.

Sin, v. 14; vi. 19, 20; vii. 4, 22, 24, 26, 51; viii. 1, 2, 32, 33, 47.

          Mortal, viii. 3. See Soul (loss of), Thought.

          Original, ii. 25; vi. 25; viii. 39.

          Wilderness of, vi. 15.

Sinai, Pref. xv; ix. 9.

Sinnett, A.P., Pref. xliv.

Sins, Seven Deadly, vii. 31; viii. 34.

Sion, Mount, vi. 5; ix. 9.

Siva, ix. 52.

Six, vi. 2; ix. 18.

Six Crowns, viii. 28, 43; App. ii. 334, 339.

          Days of Creation, see Creation, Passion Week.

Sleep of Adam, vi. 17; vii. 14. See Adam.

Socrates, Daemon of, iii. 44.

          and Re-incarnation, i. 38.

Sodium, ii. 35.

Sodom and Gomorrha, iv. 23; vi. 30.

Solar System, Man a, ix. 48.

Solemnisation, viii. 34, 40.

Solidarity, Law of, App. iii. 356.

Son, ix. 42. See Adonai.

          God manifest as, v. 18.

          of David, ix. 11, 12.

          of God, v. 44; vi. 14; vii. 5, 26, 30; viii. 44; ix. 5, 11, 42, 53.

          of Man, v. 44, 45; vii. 5, 26; viii. 4, 26; ix. 53.

          and Word, i. 30. See Word.

Sons of God, vi. 14; vii. 48.

Sophia, ii. 34; vi. 15; ix. 24. See Wisdom.

Sorcery, iv. 12.

Soul, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; i. 6, 26; ii.; iii. 1; iv. 4; v. 5, 7, 10, 11; vi. 4, 6; vii. 1, 6, 13, 27; viii.

            1, 3; App. iii. 341, 343.

          Abstract and Universal, v. 6.

          Acts of the, vi. 2; viii. 28, 39; App. ii. 333, 334, 336, 340.

          of Animals, see Animals.

          as Aphrodite, see Aphrodite.


(p. 397)


Soul, Astral, see Astral.

          Breath of, iii. 27.

          as Bride, see as Spouse (below).

          and Celestial Wisdom, vi. 16. See Wisdom.

          as the Church, Pref. F.E. Ixxxii.

          Conceives Divinity, v. 12, 43.

          Concrete and Individual, v. 6, 43. See Individual.

          Condemnation of, i. 36.

          Culture of, Object, ii. 23; App. iii. 341.

          as Daughter of God, ii. 34, 35: v. 44.

          as Divine Idea, ii. 14, 19, 20; viii. 3.

          as Divine Impersonal Personified, v. 32. See Personality.

          Elemental, iii. 4.

          Eternal, as Original Substance, v. 43. See Eternal.

          as Eve, vi. 15,19; vii. 20; viii. 32, 35. See Eve.

          Evolution, Summit of, i. 40; ii. 13, 23; v. 6, 7, 11, 32. See Evolution.

          Fall of, vi. 19; vii. 15, 21; viii. 5, 6. See Eve, Fall.

          Fourfold, iii. 4. See Fourfold.

          Generation of, ii. 13, 18; v. 7, 43, 44.

          Glory of the, i. 36.

          Growth of. v. 7, 13.

          Immaculate, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; v. 14, 43, 44. See Immaculate.

Soul, Immortality of, i. 36; ii. 13,15; v. 13, 43; vi. 6; vii. 25, See Life, Immortality.

          Incarnation of, viii. 6; App. i. 318. See Incarnation.

          Individuality of, i. 26, 31; ii. 1, 13, 15; iii. 55.

          Individuality of, acquired by Birth, v. 43. See Individuality.

          Individuation of Spirit, v. 43, 44; viii. 6. See Substance.

          as Interpreter, vi. 17, 18.

          Invisible and Intangible, ii. 19.

          as Isis or Artemis, ii. 35.

          as Israel, viii. 50.

          Knowledge, see Knowledge.

          Life of, see Spirit.

          as Life of Man, vii. 13.

          Loss of, ii. 13, 15, 17, 18, 26; iii. 9, 11, 15, 22, 45; vii. 16, 17, 25, 32; viii. 3; App.

            i. 314, 326; App. iii. 343, 344, 346, 353.

          as Love, ii. 35.

          Macrocosmic, ii. 35.

          as Magdalen, viii. 32; ix. 13.

          Manifested by Astral Fluid, ii. 19; iii. 55.

          as Mary, see Mary.

          and Matter, vii. 16, 24, 25.

          Mediation of, i. 18, 21; vii. 13; viii. 20.


(p. 398)


Soul, Memory of, Pref. xxv, Ivi, Ivii; i. 6, 37; iii. 30, 52; v. 31. See Intuition, Memory.

          Microcosmic, ii. 35.

          Migration of, i. 36, 37; ii. 15; v. 41. See Transmigration.

          Monad of Divine Substance, i. 30.

          as Mother, ii. 20.

          as Mother of God, Pref. R.E. Ixxvii; ii. 34, 35; v. 43, 44, 46; viii. 30, 39, 40. See


          as Mother of Joys, ii. 36.

          as Mother of Sorrows, ii. 36.

          Nephesh, Lowest Mode of, i. 40, n.

           Night of the, iii. 31, 51-53.

          as Nucleus of Cell, see Nucleus.

          as Oil, ii. 26.

          Original Substance, iii. 2. See Substance.

          Overshadowing, see Metempsychosis.

          as Pallas or Minerva, ii. 35.

          Perceptions and Recollections of, Pref. R.E. Ixxvi; iii. 50; v. 29; ix. 38. See


          Perfectibility of, i. 8; ii. 13. See Perfection.

          of Planet, see Planet.

          in Plants and Animals, i. 40; ii. 12, 15, 18, 23; iii. 55.

          Polarisation of, v. 5, 11, 16.

          Pre-existence of, i. 8.

Soul, Previous Incarnations of, i. 37, 38; ii. 24; vi. 10.

          Progression of, i. 8, 32, 37; App. iii. 345.

          as Psyche, v. 4, 12.

          Rational, iii. 55.

          Reality of, Pref. R.E. Ixxi.

          Rebirths of, Pref. R.E. Ixxi; i. 7.

          Redemption of, vii. 26.

          Redemption, Agent of, ii. 42, 46; vii. 13, 18, 26.

          Redescends, iii. 21.

          Reflective Power of, ii. 45.

          Reincarnation of, iii. 19, 20; App. iii. 342. See Reincarnation, Transmigration.

          Rejection of, ii. 39.

          Returns to New Bodies, i. 39.

          and Sensation, i. 54.

          and Sin, vi. 19, 20; vii. 22, 24, 31, 51.

          as Sodium, ii. 35.

          Spirit is Life of, ii. 14, 15, 21, 26; iv. 17; v. 5-11; vii. 15, 21, 25; viii. 3, 4. See


          as Spouse of God, ii. 34, 35; v. 12, 14, 44; vii. 26; viii. 8, 39, 41.

          is Substance, Divine, i. 8, 26, 31. See Substance.

          Substantial Ego, v. 4.

          as Sun, Spiritual, ii. 46; vii. 27. See Sun.

          Synthetic Consciousness of, v. 16, 32.

          Two Aspects, vi. 15, 29.

          Uncreated, iii. 2.


(p. 399)


Soul, Universal, i. 26, 40; ii. 1, 13, 44; vi. 16. See Universe.

          as Venus, ii. 35. See Venus.

          as Virgin Mary, ii. 35; vii. 26; viii. 32, 35; ix. 13. See Mary, Virgin.

          as Water, see Water.

          and Will, v. 12.

          as Woman, Essential, ii. 35, 36, 44, 48; v. 10; vi. 38; vii. 13, 20. See Woman.

Souls, of Animals, see Animals.

          Circulus of, iii. 5, 16.

          Cosmic Migration of, v. 42.

          of the Dead, iii. 19.

          Passing through of, ix. 54. See Reincarnation, Transmigration.

          of Plants, see Plants.

          in Prison, iii. 16.

          have Spirits, iii. 1.

Spectral Companion, iv. 12.

Spectre, see Shades.

Spectrum, ii. 35; App. i. 309.

Spedalieri, Pref. R.E. Ixxviii.

Spheres, iii. 1, 5; vi. 34; ix. 48. See Astral.

Sphinx, i. 41; viii. 19; ix. 19.

Spinoza, vi. 11; App. i. 307, 322.

Spirals, i. 34.

Spirit, as Blood, see Blood.

          Consciousness, v. 21.

          of Counsel, see Counsel.

          Descent of, i. 7.

          of Divine Awfulness, ii 32.

Spirit, the Essence, iii. 4.

          Fall of, viii. 5.

          as Father, ii. 20; iii. 4; iv. 37; vi. 25; viii. 16; ix. 43, 44.

          is God, ii. 9, 21, 23, 26, 31; iii. 4, 47; v. 11, 21, 43, 44; vii. 13; viii. 4. See God,


          of God, vii. 5, 15, 25, 26; viii. 4, 5.

          Holy, ii. 18; iv. 31; vi. 22. See Holy Ghost, Procession.

          Individuation of, see Soul.

          of Knowledge, see Knowledge.

          Life Divine, iv. 25, 27; vii. 13.

          Life, Original, iii. 2; iv. 37; vii. 5.

          Manifestation of, App. i. 323-326.

          and Matter, i. 28, 34; ii. 23; iii. 11; iv. 25; v. 10, 11; vi. 31, 33, 34; viii. 5; App. i.


          as Nucleolus, see Nucleolus.

          Procession of, see Procession.

          and Soul, Difference between, ii. 22; iii. 2; v. 10, 11, 43, 44; vi. 26; App. iii. 343.

            See Soul.

          Substance is, see Substance.

          Threefold or Triune, iii. 4.


(p. 400)


Spirit, Uncreated, iii. 2.

          of Understanding, see Understanding.

          and Water, see Water.

          as Will or Energy, i. 28; ii. 19, 20. See Will.

          as Wine, see Wine.

          of Wisdom, see Wisdom.

          Within, is God, Pref. v.

          the Word, iii. 4.

Spirits, iii. 1, 23, 32.

          Earth-bound, iii. 8. See Earth.

          Elemental, iii. 5.

          Evil, see Devils.

          Fire, iii. 17, 34.

          of God, see Seven, Elohim, Gods.

          Ministering, iii. 44. See Genii.

          Nature, iii. 34.

          Unembodied, iii. 1.

          Water-, iii. 17.

Spiritualism, Astral and Celestial, iii. 24; vii. 54; App. iii. 349.

          and Materialism, ii. 4-12.

          the True, ii. 4, 5, 7.

Sport, iii. 30.

Spouse of God, ii. 34. See Soul.

Stable, viii. 37.

Star of East, viii. 37; ix. 16. See East.

Stars, Influence of, ii. 25. See Astrology, Twelve.

Stephen, ix. 53.

Stigmata, Five Wounds, see Wounds.

Stone, the Philosopher’s, viii. 11; ix. 14.

          the White, vi. 1, 2, 4; vii. 55.

Stones, i. 33; vi. 29; ix. 10, 14.

Story of A.K. and E.M., Pref. xxi, n.

Sub-human, i. 52.

Subjective, Pref. R.E. lxxiv; v. 23, 31, 33. See Objective.

Subsistence, ii. 29. See Existence.

Substance, i. 26, 28; ii. 2, 29; vii. 5, 10, 37; ix. 10, 43; App. i. 306.

          as Bread, see Bread.

          Celestial, ii. 17, 37.

          Consciousness inherent in, v. 1, 3; vii. 37. See Consciousness.

          Divine, i. 30; viii. 5, 46; ix. 46. See Mother.

          and Evolution, vii. 37. See Evolution.

          Fall of, vi. 31, 35; viii. 5. See Fall.

          is God, ii. 2, 29, 34, 37. See God.

          Individualisation of, i. 31; ii. 1, 17, 18, 37; v. 5, 11, 43; App. i. 322. See Soul,


          Living, ii. 29; vi. 31; vii. 37. See Duality, God.


(p. 401)


Substance, Manifest, as Daughter, Mother, and Spouse of God, ii. 35. See Mary.

          not Matter, ii. 2, 4, 34, 37; vi. 31.

          Monads of, i. 30; ii. 29; ix. 46.

          One only, i. 30; ii. 3, 29; App. i. 307, 308.

          Original Protoplasm, i. 26; ii. 34. See Soul.

          is Permanent, App. i. 322.

          isPersonal, ii.29. See Personality.

          Prior to Existence, ii. 28, 29, 34; v. 1.

          Redemption of, vi. 38; App. i. 323. See Redemption.

          of Soul and Deity, i. 30; ii. 34.

          is Spirit, i. 28; App. i. 323, 324.

          Universal, ii. 1.

          Unmanifest, as Great Deep, ii. 34. See Great Deep.

          and Will, v. 12. See Will.

          as Woman, see Woman.

Suffering, ii. 10; iv. 20, 23, 24; viii. 4. See Mary, Mother.

Sufi, i. 7; ix. 28.

Sun, ii. 46; iii. 52; vi. 2, 4, 15, 34, 37; vii. 27.

          God as, iii. 42, 47.

Sun, Hieroglyph of God, iv. 27.

          of the Soul, ii. 46; iv. 27; vii. 27.

          Worship of, i. 55b.

Sun-Gods, ii. 46. See Mother.

Supernatural, App. i. 306.

Superstition, i. 22, 24, 51; vi. 27, 29.

Swedenborg, Pref. xxviii, n., xxx-xxxii; ix. 6, 7, n.; App. i. 307; App. iii. 354.

          Foremost Herald, ix. 7, n.

Sword, ix. 16

Symbol of Deity, ii. 41, 42.

Symbols, iv. 31. See Christianity.

Sympathy, iii. 21.

Synagogue, vi. 11.

Synthesis, v. 32.


Tabernacle, vi. 5; viii. 44, 48; ix. 13.

Talents, Parable of, ii. 26.

Talmud, i. 25; vi. 10; ix. 20, 24.

Temple, vii. 30.

          Services of, iv. 8.

          Veil of, viii. 28. See Veil.

Temptation, vi. 2, 13; viii. 19, 28; App. ii. 333, 334, 340.

Tennant, viii. 50, n.

Testament, Old and New, iv. 8; vii. 6. See Scripture.

Thaut, see Thoth.

Theckla, ix. 22, n.

Themis, i. 33.

Theocracy, v. 23.

Theologia, i. 47.

Theos, ii. 42.


(p. 402)


Theosophical Society, Pref. xxiii, xxiv, n., xliii, xliv.

Theosophy, Pref. xvii; v. 22.

Thirteen, iii. 4; vi. 39; viii. 44.

Thirteenth Personage, viii. 44.

Thirty, vi. 3; viii. 31.

Thirty-three, viii. 19, 31.

Thoth, v. 20; ix. 11-13. See Hermes.

Thought, v. 20; ix. 11, 12.

          of God, viii. 5; ix. 46.

          and Sin, vii. 22.

Three Degrees of Heavens, vi. 42.

          Magi, viii. 36.

          Senses, viii. 22. See Senses.

          Veils, vi. 42.

Threefold, ii. 18; App. iii. 354.

Three-headed dog, viii. 22.

Thrones, v. 21. See Great White Throne.

Tides, vii. 50.

Time, Future, viii. 53.

          Present, Pref. lxvi; Pref. R.E. Ixxix; Pref. F.E. Ixxxv; i. 55e; vii. 50; viii. 47; ix. 23,


          Times, and a Half, viii. 53.

Tradition, i. 55b.

Trainer of the Chnsts, viii. 12, ix. 11. See Christs.

Transfiguration, viii. 48.

Transmigration of Souls, i. 35-40; ii. 13, 15, 18; v. 41. See Reincarnation.

          Downwards, ii. 18; iii. 21; App. iii. 343-346. See Soul (loss of).

Transmigrations, many, viii. 18.

Transmutation, iv. 25, 27, 35; vi. 21; vii. 26; viii. 12, 43; ix. 9. See Dematerialisation,


Tree of Divination of Good and Evil, vi. 33.

          of the Hesperides, vi. 36.

          of Life and Knowledge, iv. 20; vi. 8, 13, 21, 24-27, 31, 35, 39; vii. 18. See

            Knowledge, Life.

Trial, see Temptation.

Trimurti, ix. 52.

Trinity, i. 30; v. 4; ix. 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, n.

Trismegistus, i. 36,

          Tablet of, why Emerald, v. 16, n.

Trithemius, Pref. R.E. Ixxix.

Truth, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; Pref. F.E. Ixxxvii; App. iii. 349.

          and Authority, Pref. F.E. Ixxxvii. See Authority.

          Certitude, ii. 38.

          Infinite, Pref. xix, xx.

Twelve Apostles, viii. 44.

          Degrees of Perfection, viii. 43. See Perfection.

          Gates, vi. 40; viii. 19, 43.

          Houses, viii. 43.

          Labours, vii. 27; viii. 19, 22.

          Stars, vii. 27.

          Zodiacal Signs, viii. 43. See Zodiac.

Twenty-nine, viii. 31.

Two Aspects of the Soul, vi. 15.


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Two Witnesses, iv. 23; vii. 55; ix. 19.

Twofold, ii. 18. See God.

Typhon, vi. 22, 36.


Ultimates, iii. 2.

Understanding, Pref. xviii, xix, Iviii, n., Ixii, Ixiii; Pref. F.E. Ixxxii, lxxxvii; ix. 11, 13-16.

            See Knowledge.

          Spirit of, ii. 32; vi. 19; ix. 11.

Unit and Cipher, ii. 41; ix. 42.

Unity, v. 32; ix. 45, 46, n.; App. i. 305.

         of Being, i. 52; v. 21. See Being.

          Duality in, ii. 41. See Duality.

          Trinity in, i. 30. See Trinity.

          of Soul and Spirit, viii. 3.

Universal Medicine, viii. 11.

Universals, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv.

Universe, Consciousness of, v. 17, 31.

          as God manifested, ii. 29. See God.

           Principle of, i. 11; ii. 29; ix. 48.

          Procession of, viii. 5; App. i. 307.

          Redemption of, iv. 35; viii. 5.

          Soul of, vi. 16. See Soul.

          Supreme Ego of, v. 17.

Utopia, iii. 28.


Vampires, iii. 28.

Vedas, Pref . xii; i. 47.

Vegetable Diet, see Food.

Vehicles, Pref. R.E. Ixxiv; iii. 32, 56; v. 22; vi. 2.

Veil, ii. 34; viii. 28; App. ii. 340.

Veils, Three, vi. 42.

Venus, ii. 35; vi. 1, 2; ix. 27, n.

Vesta, ii. 13.

Vestal Virgins, vi. 31.

Via Dolorosa, iv. 23; viii. 21.

Vibration, Universality of, v. 3.

Vicarious Bloodshed, iii. 30; iv. 3, 9, 32; ix. 24.

          Redemption, iv. 32; viii. 2, 4; ix. 22, 24. See Atonement.

          Sacrifice, iii. 30; ix. 22, 28. See Sacrifice, Bloody Sacrifice.

Victories, Our Lady of, ii. 35.

Virgil, vii. 55.

Virgin-born, iv. 27, 31; viii. 8.

          Celestial, vi. 36, 39.

          Cultus of, v. 45.

          Mary, Pref. ii, iii, n.; ii. 35, 36; iv. 31; v. 43-46. See Soul.

          Soul, vii. 26; ix. 13, 53.

Virgo, v. 45; vi. 36; ix. 22.

Vishnu, ix. 52.

Vision of Adonai, ix. 47-52. See Adonai, Sight.

          of the Astrals, iv. 14.

          of the Three Veils, vi. 42.

Vital, iii. 4.

          Spirits, iv. 12.

Vivisection, Pref. iv; ii. 39, 40; iii. 21, 30; vii. 53, 54; ix. 17.


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Vivisectors, iii. 21, 30.

Voice, Divine, vi. 22; vii. 23. See God.

Volatilisation of the Fixed, iv. 31; vi. 20; vii. 39; viii. 22. See Transmutation.


Watchfulness, viii. 20.

Water, ii. 20, 22; iii. 6, 16; v. 14, 16; vii. 13, n.; viii. 28. See Brook.

          Baptism of, see Baptism.

          and Spirit, v. 45; viii. 4, 30.

          Soul as, Pref. ii, Ixv; ii. 20, 22, 37; iii. 16; v. 14, 44, 45; vi. 23; viii. 28, 30; ix. 14;

            App. i. 339.

          Pure Heart as, iv. 27.

          of Life, vi. 6.

          -Spirits, iii. 17.

Waters, ii. 37; vii. 5.

Waves, Spiritual, vii. 50.

Weigelius, Pref. R.E. Ixxv.

Wheel of Ezekiel, iii. 5; vi. 34.

          of Life, vi. 40.

White Stone, vi. 2. See Great White Throne, Stone.

Wilderness, vi. 26; vii. 5, 18, 23, 29; viii. 19.

Will, i. 30; ii. 37; iii. 3, 18, 22, 31; v. 12; vi. 21; vii. 12, 40; viii. 6, 11; ix. 18. See Freewill.

          Central, viii. 1, 3, 4; App. i. 324-326. See Spirit.

          of God, see Necessity.

          Human and Divine, iv. 24; viii. 6, 7, 36; App. i. 326.

Will and Love, ii. 41; ix. 50.

Wine, Sacramental, Pref. ii, iii, n., xiii; App. ii. 337. See Sacrament.

          Spirit as, Pref. ii; iv. 25, 36; viii. 28; App. ii. 339.

Wings, ix. 16.

Wisdom, Pref. lxii, Ixiii; i. 7, 30; ii. 20, 36, 37; vi. 15, 16. See Sophia.

          Ancient, Pref. R.E. Ixx.

          Book of, i. 39; ix. 24.

          Counsel is, ii. 35.

          and Love, iv. 26, 30; ix. 16.

          Spirit of, ii. 32; ix. 16. See Illumination.

Witches, iv. 12.

Within, Now and, see Now.

          and Without, Pref. xiv; iii. 3; iv. 31; vi. 2; vii. 8, 44; viii. 3, 15, 49; ix. 9, 10, 34;

            App. i. 310.

Witnesses, Two Apocalyptic, iv. 23; vii. 55; ix. 19.

Woman, ii. 34, 48; iii. 28; vi. 18, 38; vii. 12, 19, 30, 51, 53; viii. 44, 49, 51; ix. 20, 25, 38.

          of Apocalypse, vi. 37; vii. 27. See Apocalypse.

          Centripetal Element, ix. 19.

          Church as, vii. 34.

          in God, ii. 41.

          Intuition as, Pref. F.E. Ixxxiv; ii. 38; vi. 23; vii. 1; App. ii. 329, 339. See Intuition.


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Woman, in Man, see Soul.

          Seed of the, vii. 28, 29; ix. 11.

          Soul as, ii. 44; vi. 23; vii. 1, 12, 13, 20, 31, 44; ix. 14. See Soul.

          is Spirit, vii. 4.

          Substance as, ii. 34-38.

          Temptation of by Serpent and of Man by Woman, vi. 13, 23; ix. 20, n., 21. See


Word, i. 30; v. 4; vi. 9; viii. 17,50; ix. 11,18, 44, 46, n., 53. See Son.

Works, vii. 28, 29, 40. See God, Great Work.

World, End of, Pref. xxxv, Ixii; i. 55e; vi. 35.

          Exemplary, v. 21.

          Organic, ii. 21.

          Outer as, iv. 23.

Worlds, Four, see Fourfold.

Worlds, One Law for all, v. 15. See Solidarity.

Worship God only, vi. 42.

Wounds, Five, of Christ, iv. 14; viii. 19; App. ii. 337-338.

          of God, iv. 34.


Yahveh, ii. 42.

Yakuts, iv. 12.

Year 1881, viii. 47. See Time.

Yellow, ii. 35.

Yes, Jesus as the Divine, iv. 27.

Yezidis, iv. 12.


Zachariah, iv. 13.

Zend-Avesta, i. 47.

Zeus, Pref. F.E. Ixxxii, Ixxxiv; ii. 21, 42; iv. 20; vi. 19; vii. 42.

Zodiac, ii. 46; vi. 36-41; vii. 26; viii. 19, 43; ix. 22, 34; App. iii. 360.

Zohar, ix. 18.

Zoroaster, Pref. vi; i. 44; ii. 46; viii. 50; App. iii. 350.



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