Sections: General Index   Present Section: Index   Work Index   Previous: 42 - Concerning Devotion to the Personal Jesus   Next: 44 - On Enquiring why the Term “Father” Only Is Applied to God, when, as Being both the Force and the Substance of Existence, God Is Necessarily Mother as well as Father



 (p. 83)

             (2) To B––– On Expressing the Desire Similarly to Hold Spiritual Intercourse


            Spirit loq. You are doing good work. You realize the spiritual life more fully than do many, and manifestations of its power are not necessary to you. Your gift lies in healing, in ministering to the spiritual in man through the love which shall redeem and transform the material. Persevere in this work. It shall bring faith and comfort to many. “We wish that you should help ––– in his undertaking. You have faculties for this which no others around him possess, and which shall direct this work to its end, the purification of the Churches of Christ from the materialism which has grown like moss around their structures, choking the true life of Christ within them.


            For the same. (In answer to a question.)

            Tell her we cannot give her knowledge in this way, nor can we explain through your mind why this is so. But none the less are we with her. She is more faithful than are many. She does and shall inspire men and women. She shall direct their souls to the light which is in Christ, through the Divine message of love which God has graven on her heart. What nobler work than this faithfully performed, what jewel more radiant than a

(p. 84)

love-inspired soul? Your lives, not your words, nor yet our words, shall redeem your Earth, and wherever we can minister to redemption of this sacred nature in man or woman, we forego all other mode of ministry.

            Think not that we surround in greater force those who write and speak, than those who in silent uplifting of their souls to God, proclaim to their fellows that God manifested in Action is the God Christ claimed as the Divine Father of Humanity. Let no man, no woman, murmur, then, that we speak not in words through them. Love-inspired Work, not Speech, is what we delight in, and what we fain would see on Earth. Work, proceeding from realization of man’s deepest need, from recognition of man’s limitless capacity for expressing God in his very Earth-life. Work proceeding from man’s realization that action, or outbreathing, in man, is to man what Creation, or God’s manifestation of Himself, is to God. This is man’s true expression of himself, man’s witness to man that he is verily made “in the image” of his Father, God, man’s only possible outlet towards the Divine. Work inspired by God’s love, (that Love which in its essential nature is creative and constructive) is alone the immutable law of man’s passage through matter on his way to God, whence arises its supremacy in the Christ-life, the ideal of every human life. 



Sections: General Index   Present Section: Index   Work Index   Previous: 42 - Concerning Devotion to the Personal Jesus   Next: 44 - On Enquiring why the Term “Father” Only Is Applied to God, when, as Being both the Force and the Substance of Existence, God Is Necessarily Mother as well as Father