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Letra de

Edward Maitland, Esqre.


Música de

Virginia Gabriel


Londres, Ashdown & Parry, 18, Hanover Square.




            Was a flower in a wil-der-ness

            So fair and free

            The earth and the sky

            They loved and cherished me,

            Till One passed by,

            Till One passed by!


            I nes-tled to my mother’s throbbing heart

            So glad to be! So glad to be!

            And from on high

            All soft airs tend-ed me,

            Till One passed by!

            Till One passed by!


            Gave them back my sweet-est looks and scents

            For love so free.

            And ne-ver nigh came cloud to frighten me.

            Till One passed by!

            Till One passed by!


            One came and plucked and placed me in his breast

            Ah! Woe for me

            That one passed by!

            Ah! Woe for me

            I lavi-shed all to be

            Flung here to die!

            Flung here to die!





Chelteham: Charles Hale & Son.

Autor: Mary Ann Virginia


Londres: Ashdown & Parry (circa 1870) 



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