Seções: Índice Geral Seção Atual: Índice
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Anterior: Capítulo
V. Recapitulação
Seguinte: Capítulo VII. Promulgação e Reconhecimento
(p. 163)
chapter will
be devoted to some examples of the recovered Gnosis, bearing chiefly upon the
supreme doctrine of Regeneration. As with all else received by the Seeress, they
are the product of intuitional memory regained under divine illumination
occurring mostly in sleep. And here I will take occasion to state explicitly and
positively, that the states, whether of sleep or of trance, in which her faculty
was exercised, were all natural and spontaneous, being induced by the Spirit
itself; and that in no case were artificial means employed by either of us,
whether drugs, mesmerism, hypnotism, crystal-gazing, or any other of the devices
ordinarily used to induce abnormal states of consciousness or promote
enhancement of faculty. Our work was to be a real work, done not only by us but
in us, and we had from the first a profound instinctive distrust of results
obtained by such artificial stimulation.
Nor was any
change even of a word over made in the teachings received. They came one and all
in the finished perfection in which they are put forth, coming down as the holy
city from the heaven of the upper and the within, and incapable of improvement.
The following are the examples proposed: –
(p. 164)
(1) Concerning Holy Writ.
All Scriptures which are the true
Word of God, have a dual interpretation, the intellectual and the intuitional,
the apparent and. the hidden.
For nothing can came forth from God
save that which is fruitful.
As is the nature of God, so is the
Word of God's mouth.
The letter alone is barren; the
spirit and the letter give life.
But that Scripture is the more
excellent, which is exceeding fruitful and brings forth abundant signification.
For God is able to say many things
in one, as the perfect ovary contains many seeds in its chalice.
Therefore there are in the
Scriptures of God's Word certain writings which, as richly yielding trees, bear
more abundantly than others in the self-same holy garden.
And one of the most excellent is the
history of the generation of the heavens and the earth.
For therein is contained in order a
genealogy, which has four heads, as a stream divided into four branches, a word
exceeding rich.
And the first of these generations
is that of the Gods.
The second is that of the kingdom of
The third is that of the visible
And the fourth is that of the
(2) Concerning the Mystery of Redemption.
All things in heaven and in earth are of God, both the invisible and the
Such as is the invisible, is the visible also, for there is no boundary line
betwixt spirit and matter.
Matter is spirit made exteriorly
cognisable by the force of the Divine Word.
And when God shall resume all things
by love, the material shall be resolved into the spiritual, and there shall be a
new heaven and a new earth.
Not that matter shall be destroyed,
for it came forth from God, and is of God indestructible and eternal.
But it shall be indrawn and resolved
into its true self.
(p. 165)
It shall put off corruption, and
remain incorruptible.
It shall put off mortality, and
remain immortal.
So that nothing be lost of the
Divine substance.
It was material entity: it shall be
spiritual entity.
For there is nothing which can go
out from the presence of God.
This is the doctrine of the
resurrection of the dead: that is, the transfiguration of the body.
For the body, which is matter, is
but the manifestation of spirit: and the Word of God shall transmute it into its
inner being.
The will of God is the alchemic
crucible: and the dross which is cast therein is matter.
And the dross shall become pure
gold, seven times refined; even perfect spirit.
It shall leave behind it nothing:
but shall be transformed into the Divine image.
For it is not a new substance: but
its alchemic polarity is changed, and it is converted.
But except it were gold in its true
nature, it could not be resumed into the aspect of gold.
And except matter were spirit, it
could not revert to spirit.
To make gold, the alchemist must
have gold.
But he knows that to be gold which
others take to be dross.
Cast thyself into the will of God,
and thou shalt become as God.
For thou art God, if thy will be the
Divine Will.
This is the great secret: it is the
mystery of Redemption.
(3) Concerning Sin and Death.
As is the outer so is the inner: He
that worketh is One. As the small is, so is the great: there is one law. Nothing
is small and nothing is great in the Divine Economy.
(p. 166)
If thou wouldst understand the method of the world's corruption, and the
condition to which sin hath reduced the work of God,
Meditate upon the aspect of a
corpse; and consider the method of the putrefaction of its tissues and humours.
For the secret of death is the same,
whether of the outer or of the inner.
The body dieth when the central will
of its system no longer bindeth in obedience the elements of its substance.
Every cell is a living entity,
whether of vegetable or of animal potency.
In the healthy body every cell is
polarised in subjection to the central will, the Adonai of the physical system.
Health, therefore, is order,
obedience, and government.
But wherever disease is, there is
disunion, rebellion, and insubordination.
And the deeper the seat of the
confusion, the more dangerous the malady, and the harder to quell it.
That which is superficial may be
more easily healed; or, if need be, the disorderly elements may be rooted out,
and the body shall be whole and at unity again.
But if the disobedient molecules
corrupt each other continually, and the perversity spread, and the rebellious
tracts multiply their elements; the whole body shall fall into dissolution,
which is death.
For the central will that should
dominate all the kingdom of the body, is no longer obeyed; and every element is
become its own ruler, and hath a divergent will of its own.
So that the poles of the cells
incline in divers directions; and the binding power which is the life of the
body, is dissolved and destroyed.
And when dissolution is complete,
then follow corruption and putrefaction.
Now, that which is true of the
physical, is true likewise of its prototype.
The whole world is full of revolt;
and every element hath a will divergent from God.
(p. 167)
Whereas there ought to be but one
will, attracting and ruling the whole man.
But there is no longer Brotherhood
among you; nor order, nor mutual sustenance.
Every cell is its own arbiter; and
every member is become a sect.
Ye are not bound one to another: ye
have confounded your offices, and abandoned your functions.
Ye have reversed the direction of
your magnetic currents: ye are fallen into confusion, and have given place to
the spirit of misrule.
Your wills are many and diverse; and
every one of you is an anarchy.
A house that is divided against
itself, falleth.
O wretched man; who shall deliver
you from this body of Death?
(4) Concerning the Twelve Grates of Regeneration.
Now, the
There is a power by means of which
the Outer may be absorbed into the Inner.
There is a power by means of which
Matter may be ingested into its original Substance.
He who possesses this power is
Christ, and He has the devil under foot.
For He reduces chaos to order, and
indraws the external to the centre.
He has learnt that Matter is
illusion, and that Spirit alone is real.
He has found His own Central Point;
and all power is given unto Him in heaven and on earth.
Now, the Central Point is the number
Thirteen: it is the number of the Marriage of the Son of God.
And all the members of the microcosm
are bidden to the banquet of the marriage.
(p. 168)
But if there chance to be even one
among them which has not on a wedding garment,
Such a one is a Traitor, and the
microcosm is found divided against itself.
And that it may be wholly
regenerate, it is necessary that Judas be cast out.
Now the members of the microcosm are
Twelve: of the Senses three, of the Mind three, of the Heart three, and of the
Conscience three.
For of the Body there are four
elements; and the sign of the four is Sense, in the which are three Gates,
The gate of the Eye, the gate of the
Ear, and the gate of the Touch. (1)
Renounce vanity, and be poor:
renounce praise, and be humble: renounce luxury, and be chaste.
Offer unto God a pure oblation: let
the fire of the altar search thee, and prove thy fortitude.
Cleanse thy sight, thine hands, and
thy feet: carry the censer of thy worship into the courts of the Lord; and let
thy vows be unto the Most High.
And for the magnetic man
(2) there are four elements: and the covering of the four
is mind, in the which are three gates;
The gate of desire, the gate of
labour, and the gate of illumination.
Renounce the world, and aspire
heavenward: labour not for the meat which perishes, but ask of God thy daily
bread: beware of wandering doctrines, and let the Word of the Lord be thy light.
Also of the soul there are four
elements: and the seat of the four is the heart, whereof likewise there are
three gates;
(p. 169)
The gate of obedience, the gate of
prayer, and the gate of discernment.
Renounce thine own will, and let the
law of God only be within thee: renounce doubt: pray always and faint not: be
pure of heart also, and thou shalt see God.
And within the soul is the Spirit:
and the Spirit is One, yet has it likewise three elements.
And these are the gates of the
oracle of God, which is the ark of the covenant;
The rod, the host
(1), and the law:
The force which solves, and
transmutes, and divines: the bread of heaven which is the substance of all
things and the food of angels; the table of the law, which is the will of God,
written with the finger of the Lord.
If these three be within thy spirit,
then shall the Spirit of God be within thee.
And the glory shall be upon the
propitiatory, in the holy place of thy prayer.
These are the twelve gates of
regeneration: through which if a man enter he shall have right to the tree of
life. For the number of that Tree is Thirteen.
It may happen to a man to have
three, to another five, to another seven, to another ten.
But until a man have twelve, he is
not master over the last enemy.
(5) Concerning the Passage of the Soul. (1)
Evoi, Father lacchos, Lord God of
Upon whose walls are the forms of every creature: of every beast of the earth,
and of every fowl of the air;
The lynx, and the lion, and the bull: the ibis and the serpent: the scorpion and
every flying thing.
And the columns thereof are human
shapes; having the heads of eagles and the hoofs of the ox.
(p. 170)
All these are of thy kingdom: they
are the chambers of ordeal, and the houses of the initiation of the soul.
For the soul passeth from form to
form; and the mansions of her pilgrimage are manifold.
Thou callest her from the deep, and
from the secret places of the earth; from the dust of the ground, and from the
herb of the field.
Thou coverest her nakedness with an
apron of fig-leaves; thou clothest her with the skins of beasts.
Thou art from of old, O soul of man;
yea, thou art from the everlasting.
Thou puttest off thy bodies as
raiment; and as vesture dost thou fold them up.
They perish, but thou remainest: the
wind rendeth and scattereth them; and the place of them shall no more be known.
For the wind is the Spirit of God in
man, which bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but
canst not tell whence it cometh, nor whither it shall go.
Even so is the spirit of man, which
cometh from afar off and tarrieth not, but passeth away to a place thou knowest
(6) Concerning the Mystic Exodus. (1)
Evoi, lacchos, Lord of the Sphinx;
who linkest the lowest to the highest; the loins of the wild beast to the head
and breast of the woman.
Thou holdest the chalice of
divination: all the forms of nature are reflected therein.
Thou turnest man to destruction:
then thou sayest, Come again, ye children of my hand.
Yea, blessed and holy art thou, O
Master of Earth: Lord of the cross and the tree of salvation.
Vine of God, whose blood
redeemeth; bread of heaven, broken on the altar of death.
(p. 171)
There is corn in
For in the kingdom of the Body, thou
shalt eat the bread of thine initiation.
But beware lest thou become subject
to the flesh, and a bond-slave in the land of thy sojourn.
Serve not the idols of
For they will bow thy neck to their
yoke; they will bitterly oppress the Israel of God.
An evil time shall come upon thee;
and the Lord shall smite
Thy body shall be broken on the
wheel of God; thy flesh shall see trouble and the worm.
Thy house shall be smitten with
grievous plagues; blood, and pestilence, and great darkness; fire shall devour
thy goods; and thou shalt be a prey to the locust and creeping thing.
Thy glory shall be brought down to
the dust; hail and storm shall smite thine harvest; yea, thy beloved and thy
first-born shall the hand of the Lord destroy;
Until the body let the soul go free;
that she may serve the Lord God.
Arise in the night, O soul, and fly,
lest thou be consumed in
The angel of the understanding shall
know thee for his elect, if thou offer unto God a reasonable faith.
Savour thy reason with learning,
with labour, and with obedience.
Let the rod of thy desire be in thy
right hand: put the sandals of Hermes on thy feet; and gird thy loins with
Then shalt thou pass through the
waters of cleansing, which is the first death in the body.
The waters shall be a wall unto thee
on thy right hand and on thy left.
(p. 172)
And Hermes the Redeemer shall go
before thee; for he is thy cloud of darkness by day, and thy pillar of fire by
All the horsemen of
These shall pursue thee, O soul,
that fliest; and shall seek to bring thee back into bondage.
Fly for thy life; fear not the deep;
stretch out thy rod over the sea; and lift thy desire unto God.
Thou hast learnt wisdom in
Thou hast enriched thyself in the
body; but the body shall not hold thee; neither shall the waters of the deep
swallow thee up.
Thou shalt wash thy robes in the sea
of regeneration; the blood of atonement shall redeem thee to God.
This is thy chrism and anointing, O
soul; this is the first death; thou art the
Who hath redeemed thee from the
dominion of the body; and hath called thee from the grave, and from the house of
Unto the way of the cross, and to
the path in the midst of the wilderness;
Where are the adder and the serpent,
the mirage and the burning sand.
For the feet of the saint are set in
the way of the desert.
But be thou of good courage, and
fail thou not; then shall thy raiment endure, and thy sandals shall not wax old
upon thee.
And thy desire shall heal thy
diseases; it shall bring streams for thee out of the stony rock; it shall lead
thee to
Evoi, Father lacchos, Jehovah-Nissi; (1) Lord of the garden and of the vineyard;
(p. 173)
Initiator and lawgiver; God of the
cloud and of the mount.
Evoi, Father lacchos; out of
To vindicate
the suppressed mysteries of the pre-Christian churches by disclosing them as the
true origines of
Christianity, and to replace the false doctrine of the exclusive divinity of one
man by the true doctrine of the potential divinity of all men, – these are among
the foremost objects of the New Gospel of Interpretation. And it is especially
in order to reinforce the last named, that it has restored the following hymn in
celebration of the supreme results of regeneration, which formed part of the
ritual of the greater mysteries of the Greeks. It is addressed to the first of
the Holy Seven, the Spirit of Wisdom, as represented by his "angel," the angel
of the sun, even "that light which Adonai created on the first day," "whose name
is, in the Hebrew, Uriel, and in the Greek, Phoibos, the Bright One of God."
Breathing both the Spirit and the letter of the Bible, from Genesis to the
Apocalypse, the hymns, of which this is one, indicate unmistakably the identity
in source and substance of the Hebrew and the Christian with the other sacred
mysteries of antiquity, and the derivation of the later
(p. 174)
through the earlier from
their common source in the world celestial when once again they have been
restored. And they supply also the motive which led the Christians to destroy
the second Alexandrian library, showing that motive to have been the desire to
conceal, first, the derivation of the Christian presentment from its
predecessors, and next, the perversion of their doctrine in the interests of an
unscrupulous sacerdocy.
Taken in
connection with its fellow-hymns, similarly recovered, to others of the "Holy
Seven,” the hymn to Phoibos (1) throws a flood of
light on the creative week of Genesis, showing it to be no mere proem to
Scripture, or concerned with the world physical merely, but an integral portion
of Scripture, being an epitome of eternal verities ever in process, and
appertaining both to Creation and to Redemption. The Hymn to Her who is
mystically the fourth, but really the third of the Gods, the "Spirit of Counsel"
of Isaiah, is especially notable for its solution of the problem of the
inversion of the order of the third and fourth days of creation. These hymns,
moreover, show indubitably that the order of the solar system was no secret to
the hierophants of the sacred mysteries of antiquity.
(7) Hymn to Phoibos, the First of the Gods.
"Strong art thou and adorable,
Phoibos Apollo, who bearest life and healing on thy wings, who crownest the year
with thy bounty, and givest the spirit of thy divinity to the fruits and
precious things of all the worlds.
Where were the bread of the
initiation of the Sons of God, except thou bring the corn to ear; or the wine of
their mystical chalice, except thou bless the vintage?
Many are the angels who serve in the
courts of the spheres of heaven: but thou, Master of Light and of Life, art
followed by the Christs of God.
And thy sign is the sign of the Son
of Man in heaven, and of the Just made perfect;
Whose path is as a shining light,
shining more and more unto the innermost glory of the day of the Lord God.
Thy banner is blood-red, and thy
symbol is a milk-white lamb, and thy crown is of pure gold.
They who reign with thee are the
Hierophants of the celestial mysteries; for their will is the will of God, and
they know as they are known.
These are the sons of the innermost
sphere; the Saviours of men, the Anointed of God.
And their name is Christ Jesus, in
the day of their initiation.
And before them every knee shall
bow, of things in heaven and of things on earth.
They are come out of great
tribulation, and are set down for ever at the right hand of God.
And the Lamb, which is in the midst
of the seven spheres, shall give them to drink of the river of living water.
And they shall eat of the tree of
life, which is in the centre of the garden of the
These are thine, O Mighty Master of Light; and
this is the dominion which the Word of God appointed thee in the beginning:
In the day when God created the
light of all the worlds, and divided the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Phoibos,
and the darkness God called Python.
Now the darkness was before the
light, as the night forerunneth the dawn.
These are the evening and the
morning of the first cycle of the Mysteries.
(p. 176)
And the glory of that cycle is as
the glory of seven days; and they who dwell therein are seven times refined;
Who have purged the garment of the
flesh in the living waters;
And have transmuted both body and
soul into spirit, and are become pure virgins.
For they were constrained by love to
abandon the outer elements, and to seek the innermost which is undivided, even
the Wisdom of God.
And wisdom and love are one.
In view of
the restoration of the Gods to recognition by the New Gospel of Interpretation,
it must be explained that the doctrines of Monotheism and Polytheism are not
necessarily incompatible. This has already been shown in Chapter IV., in the
utterance commencing – "In the bosom of the Eternal were all the Gods
comprehended, as the seven spirits of the prism contained in the Invisible
Light." For as light is one though its rays are seven and each ray is light, so
is God one though His spirits are seven and each spirit is God.
And yet
further. The deities recognised under various names or by various peoples are
not necessarily different Gods, but may be either the same God or different
modes or aspects of the same God. Notably is this the case with the Gods of the
Hebrews, the Greeks, and the Christians. For while by the term Elohim is denoted
the two principles, masculine and feminine, of Force and Substance, which
constitute Original Being, by Jehovah or Yahveh, Adonai and Shaddai, is denoted
the resultant of the interaction of these two principles as Father and Mother,
who is called therefore their word, expression, and Son. By the
(p. 177)
Holy Ghost is denoted the
same two principles in activity, having procession from the "Father-Mother"
through the "Son," to be the constituent principles of creation, being Deity
dynamic as distinguished from Deity static. By the Seven Spirits of God – as by
the seven great Gods of the Greeks, – are denoted the seven potencies into which
Deity differentiates on emerging as Holy Ghost from the prism constituted of
Father, Mother, and Son, which are to each other as the force, substance, and
phenomenon of which every manifest entity consists. For "Every entity that is
manifest, is manifest by the evolution of its trinity.” And by Christ is denoted
the ultimate issue of such procession of Deity into manifestation, namely,
divinity individuated by means of its passage through matter, and elaborated by
cooperation of the Seven Spirits of God, into a perfected spiritual Ego, who is at once God and man, and
subsists under two modes – the micro-cosmic or individual, and the macrocosmic
or universal, and who is always in process of increase, because, in
manifestation, "the Father is greater than the Son;" and "the manifest never
exhausts the unmanifest."
Now the
process of the Christ is by regeneration, and of this, as has been said,
reincarnation is the condition. The New Gospel of Interpretation contains an
utterance of Jesus on this subject which will fitly conclude this series of
examples. It was recovered by "Mary" under illumination early in 1880, and
consequently when we had not fully come to realise the actuality of the doctrine
and the possibility of the recovery of the memories of past lives. Hence
(p. 178)
she sought from her
illuminators confirmation of the genuineness of the experience, when she was
distinctly and positively assured that the incident had actually occurred, and
that she had borne part in it, though no record of it survives. Such is the
extrinsic testimony on which it rests. We found the intrinsic no less
satisfactory, whether as regards the substance or the form.
(8) Concerning the previous lives of Jesus, and
This morning between sleeping and
waking I saw myself, together with many other persons, walking with Jesus in the
fields round about
(p. 179)
already have I taken the form of woman. But
there are three conditions under which the soul returns to the man's form; and
they are these: –
"1st. When the work which the Spirit proposes to accomplish is of a nature
unsuitable to the female form.
"2nd. When the Spirit has failed to acquire, in the degree necessary to
perfection, certain special attributes of the male character.
"3rd. When the Spirit has transgressed, and gone back in the path of perfection,
by degrading the womanhood it had attained.
"In the first of these cases the return to the male form is outward and
superficial only. This is my case. I am a woman in all save the body. But had My
body been a woman's, I could not have led the life necessary to the work I have
to perform. I could not have trod the rough ways of the earth, nor have gone
about from city to city preaching, nor have fasted on the mountains, nor have
fulfilled My mission of poverty and labour. Therefore am I – a woman – clothed
in a man's body that I may be enabled to do the work set before Me.
"The second case is that of a soul who, having been a woman perhaps many times,
has acquired more aptly and readily the higher qualities of womanhood than the
lower qualities of manhood. Such a soul is lacking in energy, in resoluteness,
in that particular attribute of the Spirit which the prophet ascribes to the
Lord when he says, 'The Lord is a Man of war. ' Therefore the soul is put back
into a man's form to acquire the qualities yet lacking.
"The third case is that of the backslider, who, having nearly attained
perfection, – perhaps even touched it, – degrades and soils his white robe, and
is put back into the lower form again. These are the common cases; for there are
few women who are worthy to be women". (1)
(p. 180)
(9) Concerning the "Work of Power."
You have asked me if the Work of Power is a difficult one, and if it is open to
It is open to all potentially and eventually, but not actually and in the
present. In order to regain power and the resurrection, a man must be a
Hierarch; that is to say, he must have attained the magical age of thirty-three. This age is attained by having accomplished
the Twelve Labours, passed the Twelve Gates, overcome the Five Senses, and
obtained dominion over the Four Spirits of the elements. He must have been born
Immaculate, baptised with Water and Fire, tempted in the Wilderness, crucified
and buried. He must have borne Five Wounds on the Cross, and he must have
answered the riddle of the Sphinx. When this is accomplished he is free of
matter, and will never again have a phenomenal body.
Who shall attain to this perfection? The Man who is without fear and without
concupiscence; who has courage to be absolutely poor and absolutely chaste. When
it is all one to you whether you have gold or whether you have none, whether you
have a house and lands or whether you have them not, whether you have worldly
reputation or whether you are an outcast, – then you are voluntarily poor. It is
not necessary to have nothing, but it is necessary to care for nothing. When it
is all one to you whether you have a wife or husband, or whether you are
celibate, then you are free from concupiscence. It is not necessary to be a
virgin; it is necessary to set no value on the flesh. There is nothing so
difficult to attain as this equilibrium. Who is he who can part with his goods
without regret? Who is he who is never consumed by the desires of the flesh? But
when you have ceased both to wish to retain and to burn, then you have the
remedy in your own hands, and the remedy is a hard and a sharp one, and a
terrible ordeal. Nevertheless, be not afraid. Deny, the five senses, and above
all the taste and the touch. The power is within you if you will to attain it.
The Two Seats
(p. 181)
are vacant at the Celestial Table, if you
will put on Christ. Eat no dead thing. Drink no fermented drink. Make living
elements of all the elements of your body. Mortify the members of earth. Take
your food full of life, and let not the touch of death pass upon it. You
understand me, but you shrink. Remember that without self-immolation, there is
no power over death. Deny the touch. Seek no bodily pleasure in sexual
communion; let desire be magnetic and soulic. If you indulge the body, you
perpetuate the body, and the end of the body is corruption. You understand me
again, but you shrink. Remember that without self-denial and restraint there is
no power over death. Deny the taste first, and it will become easier to deny the
touch. For to be a virgin is the crown of discipline. I have shown you the
excellent way, and it is the Via Dolorosa. Judge
whether the resurrection be worth the passion; whether the kingdom be worth the
obedience; whether the power be worth the suffering. When the time of your
calling comes, you will no longer hesitate.
When a man has attained power over
his body, the process of ordeal is no longer necessary. The Initiate is under a
vow; the Hierarch is free. Jesus, therefore, came eating and drinking; for all
things were lawful to Him. He had undergone, and had freed His will. For the
object of the trial and the vow is polarisation. When the fixed is volatilised,
the Magian is free. But before Christ was Christ He was subject; and His
initiation lasted thirty years. All things are lawful to the Hierarch; for he
knows the nature and value of all. (1)
This chapter may appropriately terminate with, a few remarks in reply to the
inevitable question,
(p. 182)
why our country and
language were selected as the place and tongue of the new revelation in
preference to all others.
It is, as we
were enabled to see, because the British people are recognised in the Celestial
world, as possessing that peculiar quality of soul which, in spite of their many
and grievous limitations, has made them to be the foremost witness among the
nations to God and the Conscience, in such wise as to constitute them the
counterpart of Israel in the modern world. Others besides ourselves have
recognised this characteristic. Said Milton, speaking of a crisis which,
momentous as it was, pales in presence of that which now is, seeing that
Religion itself as Religion was not menaced then as in our time –
"Now once again, by all concurrence of signs, and by the general instinct
of devout and holy men, as they daily and solemnly express their thoughts, God
is beginning to devise some new and great period in His Church, even to the
reforming of Reformation itself. What does He then, but address Himself to His
servants, and – as His manner is – first to His Englishmen.”
To which we may add in reference to the present,
"And having by the hands of His Intellectualists, beaten down the false
interpretation of His holy Word, accomplishing the work of destruction, is about
by the hands of His Intuitionalists, to establish the true interpretation,
accomplishing the work of re-construction."
Nor are
there wanting specific historical facts pointing in the same direction. To
(p. 183)
letter of Scripture from
suppression and virtual extinction at the hands of an order bent only on
exalting itself at whatever cost to truth and humanity. Meanwhile, for three
centuries and a half – period suggestive of the mystical "time, times, and half
a time," –
Moreover, as Mistress of the Sea, the especial symbol of the Soul, she has a
prescriptive claim to be the vehicle of the latest and crowning message to
earth, of which the Soul herself is at once the source, the subject, and the
Nor are the universality of her language and the grandeur of her literature
elements to be left out of consideration. All things point to her language as
destined to become, practically, the language of the world; and hence its
peculiar fitness to be the vehicle of that "eternal gospel" which it is declared
should, at the end of the age, be proclaimed "unto them that dwell on the earth,
even unto every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people."
(168:1) Taste and smell being
modes of touch. E.M.
(168:2) I.e., the astral and
mental part of man, which is accounted a person or system in itself. E.M.
(169: 1) The Sacramental bread called by the
Hebrews "showbread."
(170:1) See note
on p. 122. ante.
(172:1) The names Nyssa, Nysa,
Nysas, and Nissi are identical with each other, and also with Sinai, Sion, and
those of other sacred mounts. For they all are names for the Mount of
Regeneration, the mount or "holy hill" of the Lord, within the man, to be on
which is to be in the Spirit. The river Hiddekel has the like import. It is the
river of the soul, herself fluidic and called Maria (waters), which, as the
receptacle of the divine nucleus, winds about and encompasses the Spirit. Thus
Daniel is said to be "on Hiddekel" when under divine illumination. (Life A.K. Vol. I. p. 459.)
(179:1). A.K. was distinctly and
positively assured that the incident then shown to her was one that actually
occurred, and that she had borne part of it though no record of it survives.
(181:1) This instruction is
taken from Life A.K. Vol. I. pp. 424-425.
Seções: Índice Geral Seção Atual: Índice
Índice da Obra
Anterior: Capítulo
V. Recapitulação
Seguinte: Capítulo VII. Promulgação e Reconhecimento